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Verse of the Day 2/23/2025
Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: Mystery Babylon
An Unexpected Meeting With Ganesh
Grace and peace to the household of faith, and greetings to the unbelieving. I’m still in Germany visiting with my wife and children, and, thus far, it has been a very good visit. Â One thing that is for sure is … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Generational Curse, Hinduism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Ganesh, Nimrod, Personal Testimonies, The Elephant God
Grace and peace to the body of Christ, and greetings to the lost. Saints, the sand in the hourglass is almost spent, and the fullness of the Gentiles is almost fully come as we are nearing the culmination of time … Continue reading
Trayvon Martin, CNN, And The New World Order
Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to the unsaved. I have not been following the Tayvon Martin case very closely, because it is a very sad affair. Â Since the story broke over a month ago, I had not read more … Continue reading
“My Reasons For Not Going To Church”
Grace and peace to the elect of our Lord Jesus, and greetings to the enemies of God. As many of you know, occasionally I will post a comment of one of our readers that deserves a thoughtful response too long … Continue reading
Whitney Houston, Dionne Warwick, the Christian Church, and the Magical Connection
“Any black entertainer, who is of any consequence today, primarily started in the churches.”  —Dionne Warwick Grace and peace, believers and unbelievers alike. As many of you know, I contend that Whitney Houston was murdered by the forces of darkness … Continue reading
Why Was Whitney Houston Murdered?
RIP Whitney Houston Grace and peace to my brothers and sisters in Christ and in Adam. Today many Americans are mourning the death of Whitney Houston, who died on Saturday February 11, 2012. Â I believe I speak for many when … Continue reading
No Jesus, No Change; Know Jesus, Know Change
Grace and peace, saints, and greetings to the children of disobedience. Homosexuality has made serious inroads into mainstream America in the last decade. Â So much so, that it is no longer considered taboo to be a homosexual. Â In fact, in … Continue reading
Replacement Theology and the New Age
Grace and peace to the saints of God and greetings to the wandering stars. Yesterday, someone left a comment to our post entitled, Does God Hate Blacks?, that was so interesting, that I was compelled to re-post it here as … Continue reading
A Letter From Satan
Grace and peace, Saints. As you may recall, in our piece, Breaking Generational Curses, we explain that email chain letters are of the devil. They are actually witchcraft. We explain how this pagan practice has infiltrated the Christian church in the … Continue reading
Without Natural Affection 2: The Cleanup
Grace and peace to a peculiar people; cherished and beloved of God, and greetings to those who still walk in darkness. Remember the unfortunate riot in Vancouver, BC, which occurred after the Kanucks lost to the Boston Bruins in the … Continue reading
Does God Hate Blacks? Part 1: From Babylon to the New World
Grace and peace to the children of God, and greetings to the lost. A friend asked me a couple of days ago why it is that blacks are hated the world over. Every race, she noted, has its problems, and … Continue reading
Pagans, Witches and Druids, Oh My!
Grace and peace believers, and greetings to the unbelieving. I was mildly surprised to hear that the United States Air Force Academy recently dedicated a $80,000 pagan worship center. You may not realize it, but this actually has prophetic significance. … Continue reading
The Identity of the Antichrist
“And He put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the Spirit lift me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem… … Continue reading
Posted in End Times, New World Order, Roman Catholicism, The Abomination of Desolation, The Antichrist, The Great Tribulation
Tagged Abomination of desolation, Antichrist, Cybele, Diana of Ephesus, God of Forces, Idolatry, Pope Benedict XVI, Rhea, Roman Catholicism, Semiramis, The Many Breasted One, The Two Babylons, Virgin Mary
Eating and Drinking To Damnation
Grace and peace to the Saints in Christ Jesus. The Last Supper is arguably the most important of all Christian ordinances, as it is the most tangible symbol of the redemptive death of Jesus Christ. For this reason, many have … Continue reading
Scouts Honor
Grace and peace to the brethren in Christ Jesus, and greetings to my brothers and sisters in Adam. I came across this incredibly sad story about a pedophile scout master with Boy Scouts Canada, who, despite being reported numerous times to … Continue reading
Inside Mecca
Grace and peace, Saints. I found a very interesting documentary on Islam told from the perspective of three Muslim pilgrims (a black African, an Indonesian, and a white American) who make their way to Mecca to observe the Hajj. Â Besides … Continue reading
Without Natural Affection
Grace and peace to the Body of the Lord Jesus, and greetings to those still in the world. No doubt many of you have already seen this tragic story out of China involving a two-year-old girl who was mercilessly run … Continue reading
The Charismatic Movement, The Lord’s Supper, and the New Age
 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:13). Grace and peace to the Body of Christ and greetings to the world. Today I watched a video featuring a woman named Ana … Continue reading
Posted in Ana Mendez Ferrel, Charismatic Movement, Christian, New Age Movement, Ravening Wolves, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Ana Mendez Ferrell false prophet, Charismatic Movement, Ecumenism, Exodus 3:14, Freemasonry, John 10:38, John 8:52, Roman Catholicism, Sid Roth, Steve Harvey, The New Age
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Five-Year-Old-Boy Molested by Kindergarten Classmates
Grace and peace to my brethren in the Lord and greetings to those still in darkness. In case you think that the proliferation of the homosexual lifestyle in Hollywood, the media, and the educational system isn’t affecting our young ones, … Continue reading
Occult Symbology and the Christian Church
Grace and peace to the brethren and greetings to the unsaved. As some of you may be aware if you have followed this site since its start a few months ago, as well as doctrinal issues, some current events, and … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Mass Shootings, New Age Movement, The Occult
Tagged Charles Whitman, Mass Shootings, New Age, Pope Benedict, The Occult
Statement of Faith of a Charismatic Church – Part 3
Grace and peace to the Elect of God, and greetings to those who are still in darkness. Today we complete our examination of the Charismatic statement of faith. 6. “By the power of God, He was raised from the dead … Continue reading
Statement of Faith of a Charismatic Church – Part 2
Grace and peace to the Brethren, and greetings to the lost. We resume our expose’ of the Charismatic Movement. Let us continue to examine the Statement of Faith of a charismatic church with statement # 5: “In His earthly ministry … Continue reading
Get Thee Wisdom, Not Entertainment
Grace and peace to the body of Christ. I’m sorry that I haven’t posted anything new in a couple of weeks, but I have been otherwise engaged. Â But rest assured: God has been busy. Â And as most of us know, … Continue reading
Posted in Idolatry
Dr. Juanita Bynum: Prophetess or Witch?
Grace and peace to the brethren, and greetings to those still in the world. This morning while reading the headlines at a Christian news site, I came across this one: “Televangelist Juanita Bynum Raises Brows With ‘Tongues’ Prayer on Facebook†… Continue reading
Posted in Juanita Bynum, Ravening Wolves, The Abomination of Desolation, The Antichrist, Witchcraft
Tagged Diana of Ephesus, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Goddess of Witches, Many Breasted One, Occultism in the Church, Semiramis, Speaking in tongues, The Tower of Babel, The Two Babylons, Typing in tongues, Witchcraft, Witchcraft in the Church
Vancouver and the Trail of Tears
Grace and peace to the brethren and greetings to the unsaved. When Kanucks in Vancouver, B.C. got upset because their team lost in the Stanley Cup finals a few months ago, mayhem ensued, and the world did a double take. … Continue reading
Weep For Your Children
Grace and peace unto you, Saints, and greetings to those who are still in the world. We are living in some frightening times. Murder has always been with us.  Ever since Cain killed righteous Abel in the Garden of Eden, … Continue reading
Is Steve Harvey a Christian?
Grace and peace to you Brothers and Sisters. I woke up this morning (thank God) with health and strength and with a sound mind, and turned on the radio and listened to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Â I have been … Continue reading
Posted in New World Order, Ravening Wolves, Steve Harvey, Witchcraft
Tagged Beware of False Prophets, Christian, Deception, End Times, False Prophets, Matthew 7:15-16, New Age Movement, Occultism in the Christian Church, Ravening Wolves, Steve Harvey, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ye Shall Know Them By Their Fruits