Grace and peace, Saints.
For years, I wondered why statues and pictures portraying the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary often depict the goddess standing with her left leg slightly bent in a peculiar fashion. If it were just one instance, perhaps I would not have paid much attention to it. But, because I have seen many such instances, and because the Roman Catholic religion is modern day Mystery Babylon, I knew there was some occult meaning to it, though I knew not what.
Even Roman Catholics have attempted to explain this obvious curiosity. One website discussing the image of Guadalupe says “Our Lady of Guadalupe is shown in a position of dancing prayer, with her knee bent in movement.” But this doesn’t explain the numerous other instances that can be found.

“Our Lady of Guadalupe”
I pondered this over and over again for years, until one day I considered Boticelli’s famous painting, The Birth of Venus, which depicts the goddess standing in a seashell:

Venus, the goddess of the sea
Notice that the goddess stands with her knee bent and covering her private parts with her hair. The pagans have never been accused of being modest, as anyone who has been to Rome or to an art museum will tell you. So, that Boticelli depicted the goddess being both modest and immodest at the same time is really quite strange when you think about it. But one day I noticed that Venus’ hand is actually too low to be covering female genitalia. Knowing that nothing in the occult is pure happenstance, I meditated on this for months.
Then it hit me: Venus is really Semiramis, who goes by many different names, and for this reason was known as Myrianimus “The goddess of ten thousand names.” But, though Nimrod was not known by as many names as his famous wife, he, too, had not a few; and one of these names was Saturn, “The Hidden God.” Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons says this regarding Saturn:
“We have now only to inquire what was the name by which Nimrod was known as the god of the Chaldean Mysteries. That name . . . was Saturn. Saturn and Mystery are both Chaldean words, and they are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god” (p. 17).
It is important to understand that when Nimrod was killed, Semiramis became the principle object of worship and was ultimately exalted above her husband/son. But the practitioners of the Mystery Religion continued to worship Nimrod and Semiramis simultaneously by creating an androgynous god, a goddess with male genitalia. In this manner, Semiramis would be worshipped ostensibly as the goddess, while Nimrod–Saturn, the Hidden God–would be worshipped occultly in the form of the male phallus, hidden beneath the goddess’ clothing, or, in the case of Venus, her hair.
In the Greek Mysteries, this androgynous god was known as Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, taken from the Greek hermaphroditos meaning a “person partaking of the attributes of both sexes.” As a proper name, Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who according to Ovid, was loved by the nymph Salmacis so ardently that she prayed for complete union with him and as a result they were united bodily, combining male and female characteristics.
Hermaphroditus is usually depicted with the face, breasts, and body characteristics of a woman, and the genitalia of a man. Note the position of the left leg in both of the following statues of Hermaphroditus. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES FOLLOW!!!

Statuetta di ermafrodito con Eros. Ermafrodito con in braccio Zeus, fronte, inv. S 370
Could it be merely a coincidence that in both of these status of Hermaphroditus the deity is standing with its leg bent in the same fashion as the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary?! Of these two statues, the most telling is the second, as it depicts Hermaphroditus holding the baby Eros, just like the Virgin Mary is often depicted holding the “Baby Jesus!!!”
Now, you may right this off as merely a coincidence, but, as I have said many times before, if there are too many coincidences, then it is no coincidence.
If you are a Roman Catholic, I challenge you to give a better explanation for why images of the Virgin Mary, such as that of Guadalupe, depict the goddess standing in such a curious position (and you gotta do better than “prayer dancing”). If you cannot, then I suggest you carefully ponder today’s revelations and ask yourself why you worship or, if you will, revere the Virgin Mary, when, in reality, it is Semiramis, the wife of the great rebel Nimrod, that you are worshipping. The Bible calls Semiramis the Virgin Queen of Babylon, the Lady of Kingdoms, and the Abomination of Desolation. If you really love the Lord Jesus Christ, then leave off worshipping this statue, for it is idolatry, and God hates idolatry!
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man