On October 21, 1641, Roman Catholics in the town of Ulster, England massacred 30,000 unarmed Protestants.
(Source: The Illustrated Dictionary of World History, William L. Langer, 1975, Vol. 1, p. 398.)
On October 21, 1641, Roman Catholics in the town of Ulster, England massacred 30,000 unarmed Protestants.
(Source: The Illustrated Dictionary of World History, William L. Langer, 1975, Vol. 1, p. 398.)
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That can’t be the 5th or any other seals because the Church (Body of Christ, not any specific denomination) is NOT yet in Heaven; all the seals are yet to be opened, with believers as eye witnesses IN Heaven to see it happen; read Revelation a bit more closely. There have been many harbingers of events yet to come, and that may well be 1 such, but it is NOT the event spoken of in Revelation. All the seals and subsequent events are part of the judgment being poured out on the Earth for its sins, and the CHURCH is not appointed to Judgment; the believers who come to Jesus during that 7 year period are those who will be martyred during that time. We who are now believers have passed from death unto life already. Our judgment was completed at Calvary, when Jesus said “It is finished”!
You associate the seals exclusively with God’s judgment on mankind, but ignore why God is judging mankind, which is also part of the equation. Let’s see what the Bible says:
The seal judgments are not judgments for sin, as that will be accomplished at the Great Judgment at the end of Jesus’ thousand year reign. The seal judgments are God avenging the blood of the prophets and saints on the earth, in answer to our pleas.
This is proven by the next verse:
God will wait until the last saint is killed, and His cup of wrath is filled to the brim, to bring His judgment on the world for torturing and murdering His people.
You are also grossly mistaken that only those who will come to Jesus during the Tribulation will be martyred during that time. You most likely believe in a Rapture, and that you will be raptured out of here before the Tribulation. There is no Rapture, only a Resurrection; so if Jesus doesn’t call you home before the Tribulation, then you will see the Tribulation, and will have your opportunity to accept or reject the Mark of the Beast and prove your faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
You sound afraid, and seem to be fighting to hold onto a doctrine that will give you assurance that you will not have to be martyred for your faith. You are tragically deceived, however, because if you are around for the Tribulation, then you will either take the mark and worship the beast and his image, or die because you reject the mark and refuse to worship the beast or his image. There will be no convenient Rapture to save you.
A Rapture is not biblical; it is science fiction.