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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Tag Archives: The Roman Catholic takeover of America
I Told You So
It’s official! President Trump is the Holy Roman Emperor! Continue reading
Is the President of the United States the Holy Roman Emperor?
Grace and peace, Saints. I’ve made some interesting discoveries in the past week. The first discovery happened last weekend, while watching the disaster movie 2012 for the second time. When I first watched the movie some years ago, I had … Continue reading
Posted in Protestantism, Roman Catholic Takeover of America, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Did a Roman Catholic priest exorcise the White House?, Is there a chapel in the White House?, Is there a statue of the Virgin Mary in the White House?, Our Lady of America, President Trump and Our Lady of Fatima, The Roman Catholic takeover of America, What does MAGA really mean?
A Little White Lie?
When you teach a person that it’s okay to sin, you teach him that it’s okay to commit a crime. It only follows that he will become a criminal. Continue reading
He Said/She Said: February 16, 2017
“Nothing was so expensive as a gun. For the gun, they sacrificed everything, usually life.” –Ilija Ivanovic, Witness to Jasenovac Hell, p. 18. Ivanovic is a Serb survivor of the notorious Croatian concentration camp at Jasenovac. The Roman Catholic Croats … Continue reading
Two Fingers In The Air!
This photo depicts First Lady Michelle Obama at a Times Square event with members of the United States Olympic team passing a basketball. My question is how she manages to pass a basketball with those two fingers sticking up like … Continue reading
Black Helicopters Over Munich?
Grace and peace, Saints. A couple of weeks ago, I heard the sound of a helicopter flying somewhere near my house. By the sound of it, I could tell that it was flying very near to the ground and very … Continue reading
Was The San Bernardino Shooting A Set-Up?
Grace and peace, Saints. Saints, the media’s coverage of the San Bernardino shooting left more questions in my mind than it answered. It bothered me so much, in fact, that I had to do a video on it and share … Continue reading
My Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Visit
Grace and peace, Saints. Well, the Roman Catholic pope came to the United States amid much fanfare, pomp, and gaiety. The American press hailed it as possibly the greatest moment in our country’s history. I, however, believe it to be … Continue reading
We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook
Grace and peace, Saints. We are again sharing with our readers the expose on the Sandy Hook massacre entitled, “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook,” a video which presents a very compelling case that Sandy Hook may have been … Continue reading
Election 2016 and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. Many of you are aware that the Roman Catholic Takeover of a country involves three phases: 1. A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary, 2. Dedication or consecration of that country to … Continue reading
Buffalo’s Snow “Woes”: Is Somebody Angry?
Grace and peace. Buffalo, NY is digging out from under a ton of snow that was dumped on it and the rest of New York and much of the Northeastern United States earlier this week. Â As I watched CNN’s coverage … Continue reading
Band of Brothers?
Grace and peace, Saints. Last year, publicist Jack Chick addressed the growing hostility toward biblical Christianity in the military. He cited the following examples given by the World News Service that exemplify the military’s growing apostasy: An Army Reserve training … Continue reading
More Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Grace and peace, Saints. As many of you may know, I originally started this blog subsequent to learning that I was under surveillance by the forces of darkness, which have been attacking me and my family for years.  I believe … Continue reading
Pope Francis Concecrates the World to the Virgin Mary
Grace and peace, Saints. You may recall that in our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we explain that according to Monica Farrell in Ravening Wolves, the Roman Catholic takeover of a nation happens in three phases: 1. A … Continue reading
The Coming Great Holocaust and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace. In our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, based on information taken from the book, “Ravening Wolves,” by Monica Farrell, we explain how the Roman Catholic church is currently in Phase Three of its takeover of … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism
Tagged The Holocaust, The Roman Catholic takeover of America
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Occult Hand Signs and the Cult of Mary
Grace and peace to my fellowservants who have the testimony of Jesus Christ, and greetings to the servants of Satan. According to Chapter 19 of the Book of Acts, the idol known as Diana of Ephesus was worshipped all over … Continue reading
Trayvon Martin and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. I have not followed the whole Trayvon Martin diversion very closely, because I understand that though it has major significance for the future of the world, there are more important things that deserve my attention: namely, … Continue reading
New Columbia and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. Â If you’ve read our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, then you are familiar with the book, Ravening Wolves, which we quote in that series. Â In the book, author and Christian evangelist, Monica Ferrell, … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part III
Grace and peace, Saints. At the dedication of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on November 20, 1959, a prayer was read dedicating the United States to the Virgin Mary. Â One may not believe this to have had any special … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part II
Grace and peace, Saints. We continue with Part II of The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, leaving Australia and turning to Yugoslavia.  On page 11 of the book, Ravening Wolves, Farrell describes the Roman Catholic subversion and conquest of that unfortunate … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part I
 Grace and peace, Saints. A couple of weeks ago, we made available for download to our readers a very important book.  It is called Ravening Wolves and it was written by Monica Farrell, a converted Roman Catholic. Farrell was … Continue reading
Trayvon Martin, CNN, And The New World Order
Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to the unsaved. I have not been following the Tayvon Martin case very closely, because it is a very sad affair. Â Since the story broke over a month ago, I had not read more … Continue reading