Pope Francis aboard the papal plane during his Oct. 31-Nov. 1 trip to Sweden. Credit: Edward Pentin/National Catholic Register.
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication” (Revelation 17:4).
Grace and peace, Saints.
Many of you may be aware that last October, Pope Francis went on an ecumenical journey to Sweden. During an in-flight press conference held aboard the papal jet, the pontiff fielded a variety of questions covering subjects from ecumenism to secularization. Responding to a question from a Swedish journalist regarding the possibility of women being allowed in the Catholic priesthood, Pope Francis made a cryptic, yet very revealing statement wherein he once again admitted that the Roman Catholic religion is, in fact, Mystery Babylon, the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis.
Click here for the full text of the press conference.
Following is the complete dialogue:
Journalist: “Good morning. The Sweden that hosted this important ecumenical encounter has a woman as head of it’s own Church. What do you think: is it realistic to think of women priests also in the Catholic Church in the coming decades? And if not, why are Catholic priests afraid of competition?â€
Pope Francis: “Reading the history a bit in the area where we were, I saw that there was a queen who was widowed three times. And I said: but, this woman is strong, and they told me: Swedish women are very strong, very good. And because of this some Swedish man looks for a woman from another nationality…I don’t know if it’s true, but…on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church, the final word is clear, it was said by St. John Paul II and this remains. On competition, I don’t know…â€
Journalist: “Never ever?â€
Pope Francis: “If we read well the declaration made by St. John Paul II, it goes along this line, yes…But women can do so many things better than men, even in the dogmatic field. To clarify (to perhaps give some clarity, not to say only a reference to a document):
INTERJECTION. Now pay close attention, as the Pope reveals the true nature of Roman Catholicism: that rather than Christianity, Catholicism is really Mystery Babylon, the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis. The greatest emphasis, however, is on Semiramis.
Pope Francis: “In Catholic ecclesiology there are two dimensions to think about: the Petrine dimension (which is from the Apostle Peter and the Apostolic College, which is the pastoral activity of the bishops), as well as the Marian dimension (which is the feminine dimension of the Church); and this I have said more than [once]. I ask myself: who is most important in theology and in the mystic of the Church: the apostles or Mary on the day of Pentecost? It’s Mary! The Church is a woman! It’s “la Chiesa” (in Italian), not “il Chiesa.” It’s “la Chiesa”; and the Church is the spouse of Christ. It’s a spousal mystery.
“And in light of this mystery you will understand the reason for these two dimensions: the Petrine dimension, which is the bishops, and the Marian dimension, which is the maternity of the Church, but in the most profound sense. A Church doesn’t exist without this feminine dimension, because she herself is feminine.†[Boldface and brackets mine.]
If you have ears to hear, then you know that Pope Francis has made some extremely revealing admissions here.
First, it is important to first understand that if the Roman Catholic Church were truly the Bride of Christ, then there would be no mystery, as the bride and groom would already be identified. That there remains a “spousal mystery†is the first clue that the Roman Catholic Church is not the Bride of Christ and Jesus Christ is not the groom of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Pope’s emphasis on the Petrine and Marian dimensions being peculiar to Roman Catholicism is also very important. In biblical Christianity, there are no Petrine or Marian hemispheres, as “Christ is all and in all†(Colossians 3:11). If there were two dimensions to biblical Christianity, then they would have to be the Mosaic Dimension, which is salvation by works, and the Christian Dimension, which is salvation through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ:
“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christâ€Â (John 1:17)).
Regarding the Church, there is no spousal mystery. Jesus is the groom and the Church is his bride. There are two great mysteries in the Bible:
- the mystery of godliness.
- the mystery of iniquity.
The mystery of godliness, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has already been revealed through Scripture and is therefore no longer a mystery:
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Timothy 3:16).
The mystery to which Pope Francis alludes, therefore, can only be the Mystery of Iniquity, which just happens to be a spousal mystery. The Bible calls this mystery Mystery Babylon:
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus…” (Revelation 17:5).
When Pope Francis calls Catholicism a “spousal mystery,” he is admitting that Roman Catholicism is Mystery Babylon, which is the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis. The Petrine and Marian dimensions of Catholic theology are therefore emblematic of the deified couple: St. Peter is a symbol for Nimrod, and the Virgin Mary is a symbol for Semiramis.
It is important to understand that Pope Francis’ use of the words mystery and mystic is a signal that he is speaking in occult or symbolic language. Mystery Babylon uses symbols to conceal the fact that its principle objects of worship are Nimrod and Semiramis. There are two types of symbols: esoteric and exoteric. An esoteric symbol is closer to the truth, while an exoteric symbol is farther from the truth. The Pope has already provided us with the two esoteric symbols for Nimrod and Semiramis in the Petrine and Marian dimensions of Catholic ecclesiology. Any cryptic references the Pope makes to people or things are merely symbolic references to the deified couple.
When the Pope therefore says “in light of this mystery you will understand….the two dimensions,†what he is really saying is “Once you understand that Roman Catholicism is Mystery Babylon, then you will know that everything in Roman Catholicism—from the dead Jesus, to the cross, to the Virgin Mary, to the seven sacraments—is symbolic of Nimrod and Semiramis, and you will have the key to deciphering all my cryptic references, including and especially my reference to the Roman Catholic Church as a ‘spousal mystery.’â€
Pope Francis said that he has mentioned the feminine aspect of the Roman Catholic Church in the past, and one such incident may be a homily he gave in 2013, wherein Pope Francis described the Catholic Church as “a widow in search of her spouse,†an obvious reference to the Egyptian legend of Isis and Osiris, who are none other than Nimrod and Semiramis.
Pope Francis’ remarks also proves that the Virgin Mary is not the biblical Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church claims its popes are the spiritual descendants of the Apostles. Yet, the Pope claims that the Virgin Mary is the most important person in Catholic theology. The problem with this statement is that according to the Bible, Jesus’ mother Mary was present with the Apostles and the other disciples of the Lord Jesus, in the days from our Lord’s crucifixion up to Pentecost, but she played no major role. Peter was the one who was prominent:
“These [the Apostles] all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples…†(Acts 1:14).
In fact, the Bible records that on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter preached a sermon that resulted in three thousand people being converted:
“And when the day of Pentecost was come…Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem…hearken unto my words…†(Acts 2:14).
Peter then went on to preach Jesus to the crowd, ending with:
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus both Lord and Christ†(Acts 2:36).
What was the result of Peter’s preaching?
“Then they gladly received his word and were baptized: and that same day were added unto them about three thousand souls†(Acts 2:41).
Jesus’ mother Mary is not even mentioned in connection with Pentecost, yet Pope Francis claims that Mary was the most important person on that day!
Why is all this important? You may ask. I’ll tell you. The Roman Catholic Church bills itself as the “mother of all churches,†and claims that it’s popes are the spiritual descendants of the Apostles and that the Apostle Peter was the first pope. This, they believe, gives the Catholic Church the divine right to rule all other churches, including the true Christian Church, and makes the Pope the spiritual head of all churches, including the Christian Church. But, by Pope Francis’ own words, Mary is the most important person in Catholic theology, even more important than the Apostle Peter. If I were a sincere Roman Catholic, I would find this problematic, because, in case you hadn’t noticed, the Virgin Mary is a statue.
Why does the Catholic Church exalt the Virgin Mary above the Apostle Peter, if they consider Peter the first pope? Because, by Pope Francis’ own words, the Catholic Church could not exist without the Virgin Mary. Pope Francis tells us:
“[T]he Marian dimension…is the maternity of the Church, but in the most profound sense. A Church doesn’t exist without this feminine dimension, because she herself is feminine.â€
Here, the Pope is again using symbolic language; so, if you interpret “Marian dimension†as the Virgin Mary and “most profound†as esoteric, then you will understand that Pope Francis is telling us that the Catholic Church could not exist without the Virgin Mary because, in it’s most profound (esoteric) sense, the Virgin Mary is Semiramis.
The Pope is saying that the Marian (Semiramis) dimension is more important than the Petrine (Nimrod) dimension, because the Church is Semiramis and Semiramis is the Church. This is why the Roman Catholic Church calls itself “Mother Church.†The Catholic Church is Semiramis, who was worshipped as Cebele, the Goddess Mother and wife of Nimrod. The preeminence of Semiramis over Nimrod is depicted in the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis and Osiris, where we read that “Osiris or Horus, is the doctrine, while Isis is the Church.â€
Only when one considers Roman Catholicism from the perspective of the ancient mysteries and understands that the Roman Catholic St. Peter and the Virgin Mary are really esoteric symbols for Nimrod and Semiramis, can one understand why the Catholic Church claims their popes are descended from St. Peter and the Apostles, when the popes are not and have never been anything like the Apostle Peter and the Apostles. The Roman Catholic popes are really reincarnations of Nimrod, while the Virgin Mary is really Semiramis.
Pope Francis once again proves that Roman Catholicism is not Christianity, but “Mystery Babylon The Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth†(Revelation 17:5).
“He who hath an ear, let him hear.”
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Did The Mighty King Of Jacob say HE was a jealous God?
His name is Jealousy.
What would God be jealous of?
Was Adam a father?
Life Giver?
Is every “religion” on earth giving honor to Adam Vishnu Apollo & Eve Mary Shiva?
Was The Lord Thy God just a little bit jealous of Eve?
Thats like me, a guy and his Father in the garden of HIS Word, always peering out at the world wondering… wondering about finding a nice woman and start a family.
“That which is highly esteemed amongst men is abomination in the sight of God”.
The world says “find a mate and make a family”
What if I bring forth a child and never teach him of God?
I suppose in that case, I would become that childs “master” and probably the Lord Thy God would be jealous of my newly assumed position sitting on HIS throne in this childs life?
The mystery is hidden in plain sight…life and good, death and evil.
Bring forth children unto Death? or does a set apart Holy Child get brainwash educated, relentlessly vaccinated, taught to hunt eggs at easter (Ishtar Eve, EGG/womb), not taught of The Lord Thy God?
and Semiramis is really Eve.
Is Adam the beast? Is his image “The Life Giver”? Kinda Like God Right?
Brought a son into the world?
Is Eve the other beast? Did they see the animals do the sex and make the baby in the garden?
Did the serpent in Eve’s heart say to her “The fruit of my body is desirable to make one wise? Did Adam make love to Eve immediately after eating the fruit?
Did they become enemies on the day they decided to bring children into the world by their own doing?
Is the Mystery of Babylon, the story of “Man being in honor (the life giver, the father) who understandeth not, are like the beasts that perish”?
“Ephraim, as I saw Tyrus is planted in a good land ” (Amerikkka-“The glory of all lands”) But, Ephraim shall BRING FORTH HIS CHILDREN TO THE MURDERER”
To Whom will he bring forth his children?
To Man.
Child will be “educated” lies about “the world” in School.
Child will be taught that man is the authority.
Son…..Obey Man, he is your master.