Grace and peace, Saints.
Walking around Munich (as well as any other city in the world) one can find some interesting occult symbolism, even if one only has a rudimentary knowledge of the subject. Â
This, for instance, is known as the oroboros (or oroborous). Â
It is also called the alchemical serpent. Â When one considers that alchemical in the occult sense means not the transformation of base metals into gold, but the perfection of the base human nature through occult knowledge, then we know that the oroboros has something to do with Satan. Â For it was Satan who told Adam and Eve in the garden that by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they could be “as gods.” In that the color red is often associated with Satan, it should come as no surprise to us that the alchemical serpent is also red. Â
A stylized version of the oroboros appears often in various guises, including as a corporate logo.

Lucent Technologies
Without a knowledge of the aforementioned, one would not recognize the true meaning of this symbol if one were to see it. Â As it would happen, I did. Â So, imagine my surprise when I happened upon this structure on an ordinary Munich thoroughfare:
Notice the slightly discolored area at the bottom? Â This is not an effect of weather or some other anomaly. Â It is intentional and represents the head of the serpent eating its tail. Â As a dog chases its tail endlessly, so does the oroboros swallow its tail endlessly. Â For this reason, it is used as a symbol of eternity. Â
Notice that the word oroboros starts with the word oro which means “gold.” Â In the occult, gold is used as a symbol of the sun, and, for this reason, the oroboros is also used as a symbol for the sun. Â
Next, the Washington Monument is famous the world over. Â Â
But its true meaning has little or nothing to do with George Washington. Â It is called an obelisk, and it is actually the phallus of the Egyptian God Osiris, who is, in actuality, Nimrod, the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah. Â
The significance of the obelisk is told in the Osirian Cycle. Â Briefly, as the story goes, Osiris was killed and dismembered by his brother, Typhon. Â His wife, Isis, scoured the world looking for the pieces of her husband and managed to find all but one. Would you care to guess which? Â You guessed it. Â So, Isis supposedly fashioned a replacement out of gold. Â
The privy member of Osiris (Nimrod) figures prominently in the ancient mysteries and every nation in the world represents it in some way. Â Munich is no exception, as the photo below confirms. Â
The inscription reads “To the thirty thousand Bavarians who died in the Russian War.” As I said, it has nothing to do with George Washington, which adds force to my argument that it really represents the privy member of Osiris or Nimrod.
With regard to symbols, I have a very simple rule: if a symbol is said to mean one thing here, but another thing there, then it is very probable that neither meaning is true. Â And we know that is precisely the case with the obelisk.
This well-known symbol, called the All-Seeing Eye, is commonly found on the reverse side of the one dollar bill:
Of particular interest is the eye within the pyramid, which has been associated with the occult group, the “Illuminati.” Â Â This symbol is often seen cast in gold as it is here in this Masonic jewel:Â
Opinions differ as to when, where, why, and by whom the Illuminati was started, Â but one account holds that this group was first seen in Spain where it was known as the “Allumbrados” which translates to “The Illumined Ones.” Â
Formed by the Spanish nobleman, Ignatius Loyola, this occult group was said to have been later commissioned by the Roman Catholic church as the Jesuit Order for the express purpose of destroying the Protestant Reformation. Â This would essentially make the Illuminati a Roman Catholic led organization, which helps explain the following image:

All-Seeing Eye on St. Peter’s Church, Munich
This is the Church of St. Peter, found in Munich down the street from the Viktualienmarkt right before Marienplatz.  As you can see, the eye in the pyramid atop the church figures prominently.  Note the spirals to either side of the statue of the Mother and Child at center.  The spiral has been used since antiquity as a symbol of the sun and also of The Goddess. Â
A website discussing celtic symbols says this about the spiral:
“The spiral is probably the oldest symbol of human spirituality. It has been found scratched into rocks from thousands of years ago, on every continent in the world.
“The religious significance can only be guessed, but it has been found on tombs, and possibly has a connection with the sun [as]Â the sun makes a spiral shape every three months in its travels….
“In modern times, the spiral is still spiritually significant.  It is the symbol of spirit in Wicca, an emblem of the Goddess.”Â
Sun worship (as well as goddess worship)Â plays a significant role in Roman Catholicism, evidenced not only by the spirals, but, most importantly, by the fact that the image of the goddess at St. Peter’s church above, whom Roman Catholics call the Virgin Mary, is standing on a golden globe. Â A golden globe has always been emblematic of THE SUN.
The sun is so important to Roman Catholicism that it even shows up on food. Â There is a popular bread in Munich known as “semmel” (pronounced ZEMELL). Â It is a very tasty bread that is an important part of the Bavarian diet. Â It is often eaten for breakfast with butter and/or cheese, jelly, or preserves and for lunch with leberkaese (literally “liver cheese”). Â It is very good, and once you try it, it is hard to imagine breakfast without it.
Below is a photo I made of a particular piece of semmel that met its demise shortly thereafter.
Below is a top view. Â
- Top view of semmel
As you can see, it features a five-armed figure which resembles a star. Â Note that the arms are not straight like a conventional star, but curved, as if the figure were rotating clockwise. Â That’s because it is. Â It’s a sun symbol, similar to the one below.
This symbol is known as a Borjgali, which Wikipedia describes thus:
“Borjgali is an ancient Georgian symbol of the Sun and is related to the Messopotamian [sic] and Sumerian symbols of the eternity [sic] and the Sun.” [Capitalization in the word Sun found in the original.]
In that the sun symbol on the piece of semmel above resembles a star, and Munich is a Roman Catholic city, and Roman Catholicism worships an idol called the Virgin Mary, which is an ancient goddess, who was worshipped in the Bible by the apostate Jews with a star, the reader might want to read here and here. Â
Goddess worship is alive and very well.
Next, the serpent is probably the oldest occult symbol in existence. Â Images of serpents have been found in virtually every country in the world and the serpent features prominently in the folklore of these countries. Â Many civilizations actually worshipped the serpent. Â The Bible teaches that Satan, in the form of a serpent, deceived Eve into eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Â In the Book of the Revelation, Satan is called “that old serpent.” Â
The mystery religions believe that the God of the Bible is actually the bad guy because He withheld knowledge from Adam and Eve and kept them naked and ignorant in the garden of Eden. Â They believe that Lucifer, called Satan, is really the good guy, because by deceiving Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit, he brought knowledge and wisdom to humanity and brought us up from our base ignorance. Â For this reason, the serpent is often known as “the serpent of wisdom.”
Mystery Babylon, as the Bible calls the ancient, pagan mystery religions of the East, has always hoarded knowledge from the “uninitiated.”  They control true religion, true history, and true science and keep this knowledge from the common man.  Jesus dealt with these people during His ministry and called them “serpents” and “vipers” (Matthew 23:33) because they “held the key of knowledge” (Luke 11:52) and withheld that knowledge from the people. Â
Jesus’ use of the words “serpents” and “vipers” was not arbitrary. Â The Pharisees were religious men who knew that Jesus Christ was the only way to salvation, but they withheld this knowledge from the people and denied Jesus publicly. Â This knowledge would have led people to salvation; and who, but Satan, that old serpent, would not want for people to get saved? Â This is why Jesus called them serpents. Â They withheld the key of knowledge from men. Â
This is important in the secular sense also, because since antiquity the religious establishment has been responsible for education. Â So they not only hold the knowledge of true religion, but they hold all true knowledge. Â What is being taught in most schools is not knowledge, but information disguised as knowledge. Â This is logical, since the Bible says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). Â If, therefore, you want to keep true knowledge from the people, you must begin by keeping from them the knowledge of God. Â The Roman Catholic church knows this all too well.
Bearing this biblical perspective on the “serpent of wisdom” in mind, you can imagine what went through my head when I saw this:
This is the entrance to the Munich branch of the German Patent Office. Â Notice the key next to the serpent’s tail. Â In light of what we have just discussed, there can be no doubt as to its meaning.
It is fitting that the serpent of wisdom withholding the key of knowledge would be associated with a patent office, as a patent office determines what inventions and discoveries—knowledge, if you will—the public will be allowed to know about and benefit from. Â I can only imagine how many inventions with the purpose of benefitting all mankind have been stopped dead at the patent office, because someone saw an opportunity to privatize the invention in order to make money or to keep the public from benefitting from it.
Granted, I don’t know anything about the patent process, but I do know a little something about Satan, and this sounds like something he would do. Â
These next images were captured at the Deutsche Museaum (German Museum) in Munich, situated on the Isar River. Â As one can plainly see, this structure is comprised of two circular features.
- The Zodiak displayed on the Deutsche Museum in Munich
The top feature is obviously the zodiac, which are, in astrological terms, the twelve ages or “houses” that the sun passes through along its orbital journey. Â This is made clear from the sun image to the left of the dial, which appears to point to each month and astrological house. Â This is true because on this photo, the pointer on the sun image appears to be situated between the houses of Aries (The Ram) and Taurus (The Bull) and to be pointing to the month of April, which happens to be the month that I took this photo. Â
There are, of course, twelve signs in the zodiac as there are twelve months in a year. Â The earth completes its circular orbit around the sun in twelve months or one calendar year. A year is comprised of 365 days which is just five digits more than the 360 degrees found in a circle. Â This is why the circle is so often used as a symbol for the sun.
But a circle is not only used as a symbol of the sun: it is also used as a symbol for Nimrod, the Sun God. Â You see, legend has it that the great rebel, Nimrod, the son of Cush and the grandson of Noah, was killed by his great uncle Shem, the father of the Jewish people. Â After his death, Nimrod was deified as the Sun God by his wife/mother Semiramis. Â As the Sun God, he was “the source of all life on this earth: he was the source of all warmth, he was the source of all ENERGY, he was THE GENERATIVE FORCE.” Â Therefore, he was symbolically represented, among other things, as trees, fish, and animals. Â Incidentally, have you ever wondered why nearly all towns have an Elm or Oak street? Nimrod was also known as The Oak. Â
The signs of the zodiac all point to Nimrod and his wife Semiramis. Â “But,”
you say, “What do the scales of Libra have to do with trees, fish, animals or the Generative Force?”  Nothing.  However, Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, was also known as The Apportioner (Isaiah 65:11). (“That Number” is defined in Strong’s Concordance as a deity (idol) named menee, which is Chaldee for “The Apportioner” or measurer.)  Now you know where we get our word many.Â
You see, everything we ever need to know is in the Bible, which is why the Bible says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).
Now that you know that the zodiac has to do with Nimrod and Semiramis, and you know that the scales are a symbol for Semiramis, then you have probably guessed that the lady holding the scales, known as Justice, is really the goddess Semiramis.
You may also be interested to know that Scorpio, the scorpion, is a symbol for Nimrod, who is also identified with the Greek god, Orion. Â Legend has it that Orion, the giant hunter, was killed by a scorpion. Â
Proof that the twelve zodiacal signs are actually Nimrod and his wife Semiramis can be found in the feature below the zodiac. Â As one can see, it contains seven characters, five male and two female, beside each is written a word. Â The words are the days of the week in German: Montag (Monday), Dienstag (Tuesday), Mittwoch (Wednesday), Donnerstag (Thursday), Freitag (Friday), Samstag (Saturday), and Sonntag (Sunday). Â I once read that the names of the days of the week are derived from the names of Norse gods and goddesses, and I believed it. Â But when I saw this, I really believed. Â
You see, the German word for moon is Mond, so Montag literally means “moon day.”  And the figure above featured as Montag is a woman with a crescent moon next to her.  Because I believe that this figure is a goddess, then this crescent moon would identify her with the goddess Diana or Isis, both of whom were identified with the moon.  Incidentally, the idol, known as the Virgin Mary is also identified with the moon.  Coincidence, right?
Now the Bible teaches that astrology is witchcraft and witchcraft comes from the devil (Deuteronomy 18:10). Â Proof of this is the fact that the goddess Diana is displaying the El Diablo or “horned devil” hand sign. Â Now that you know that the moon is associated with the goddess and the so called El Diablo horn sign is also associated with the goddess, you may want to read about the Cult of Mary here.
The figure representing Mittwoch or Wednesday is also displaying the occult 666 or “three rings” hand sign as shown below:Â
This figure is further proof that the names of the days of the week actually pay homage to pagan gods. Â Mittwoch is German for “middle of the week,” so that tells us nothing. Â If, however, we look at the figure himself, we will see that he holds a staff with two snakes entwined around it and with wings near the top. Â This is known as a caduceus.
Besides being the symbol for the medical profession, the caduceus is also associated with the god Mercury or Hermes. Â
That both the figure of Wednesday and the god Hermes hold a caduceus would seems to suggest that Wednesday is actually Mercury or Hermes. Â
But this is where it gets interesting, for you see, Wednesday is said to be named for the Scandinavian god Wotan or Wodin (Wednesday=Wodin’s day) who is depicted below.
Now compare this image of Wotan with that of Hermes above. Â Because nothing in the world of symbolism is coincidence, then the winged helmet means something. Â I believe that the winged helmet is a symbol identifying Hermes with Wotan. Â They are the same person. Â
If it is true that all gods and goddesses are actually Nimrod and Semiramis, then both Hermes and Wotan are actually Nimrod.
Now pay close attention to what Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons says about Hermes:
“Hermes is just an Egyptian synonym for the “son of Ham” (p. 25). Â
Ham was the youngest son of Noah. Â Now, Ham had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). Â Which son, then, is Hermes?:
“Hermes is the “Son of Her or Ham,” the burnt one—that is, Cush” (Hislop, 25. See footnote).
So, Hermes is really Cush. Â Cush, also known as Ethiops, “The Black One,” is the father of the black race. Â Africans were known as Cushites for centuries. Â According to Hislop, Hermes, or Cush, was deified as the Sun God (as was his son, Nimrod), and this is why many of the gods like Mercury, Apollo, and Horus were identified with the sun. Â
Alexander Hislop says that Cush was often identified with Nimrod. Â So, though Hermes is Cush, he is actually a symbol for his son, Nimrod. Â Proof of this is the spear that is always associated with Wotan. Â A spear is a symbol of a hunter, and Wotan is said to have been a great hunter. Â But, remember, Wotan, as well as Hermes, is merely a symbol for Nimrod. How, then, does the spear of a hunter identify Wotan as Nimrod? Â Listen to what the Bible says, Â
“And Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth. Â
“He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord” (Genesis 10:8-9).
Now If Wotan or Odin is really Hermes, and Hermes is really Nimrod, then Wotan is Nimrod. Â Incredible, isn’t it? Â
In the event you are still not convinced, notice that behind Wotan’s head above are two black birds, possibly ravens or crows. Â Almost every picture I have seen of Wotan has two black birds in it.
Wotan is also always in the company of two black dogs. Â You must understand that in the world of symbolism everything associated with a person has a symbolic meaning–even colors. Â The dogs further prove that Wotan is Nimrod, because, in Greek mythology, Nimrod was known as Orion. Â Orion, who was also a mighty hunter, was always accompanied by his two dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor.
The dogs are black to further associate them with Nimrod, who was black. The black birds are said to be the eyes of Wotan, flying all over the world gathering information for him. They were spies.  For the significance of this, keep reading.Â
Let us return to the Deutsche Museum. Look closely at the symbol on top of the building above the sun and stars.  Can you tell what it is? Â
It appears to be an owl, doesn’t it?  An owl apparently has great significance in the occult, as it appears very often. It is also associated with the goddess, Athena.
Listen to what Alexander Hislop says regarding Athena: Â
“One of her distinguishing titles was Ophthalmitis…the goddess of ‘the eye’…as the Egyptian Maut (a goddess) wore a vulture on her head, so the Athenian Minerva was represented as wearing a helmet with two eyes, or eye-holes, in the front of the helmet (p. 294). [Parentheses and boldface mine.]
As all gods and goddesses are really symbols for the deified king and queen of ancient Babylon, Nimrod and Semiramis, then Athena is really Semiramis. So, anything associated with Athena is really a symbol that identifies her with Semiramis. The question, therefore, is not what the eye and the owl mean, but how they identify Athena with Semiramis. Â
I believe that the eye and the owl represent Semiramis in her role as Rhea, who, according to Hislop, was also called “The Gazer” (p. 294). Â She was also called “The Lady of the Spies,” because espionage was an important part of the mystery religion, which she helped create. Â What is important about the owl is that it can not only see very well in the dark, but it can also rotate its head 180 degrees. Â It can, therefore, see toward the front and toward the back. Â This is crucial, because the helmet with eye-holes already identifies Athena with Rhea. Â The owl, then, must represent something or someone else.
And it does. Â As Semiramis was given other names, so was her husband, Nimrod. Â And one of those names was Janus. Â Below is an image of Janus:
As you can see, Janus has two heads: one looking toward the front, the other looking toward the back; just like an owl. Â Incidentally, Janus was called “Lord of spies,” “Janus the Seer,” and “All-seeing Janus” (Hislop, 27). Â So, in the person of Athena and the owl, we have a representation of Semiramis and Nimrod in their aspects of Rhea “The Gazer” and Janus “The Seer.” Â Mystery Babylon.
Now, while you ponder these revelations, consider that the Roman Catholic church worships a goddess called the Virgin Mary and that the Roman Catholic papacy is called the “Holy See.”Â
Bear all this in mind, as we revisit these photos: Â
Finally, consider this photo:

All-Seeing Eye on American one-dollar bill
Are you starting to make some connections? Â Oh yes, dear friends, we have ALL been deceived! Â
Before we leave the Deutsche Museum, let us examine one final symbol. Â Located just above the zodiac and right below the owl, is this feature:
It appears to be in the shape of an egg, lying on its side. Â We already know that this symbol represents Nimrod and/or Semiramis, and this is borne out by the fact that half of the egg is gold, which represents the sun and, thus, divinity. Â We need, therefore, only divine which aspect of Semiramis is being portrayed here. Â The egg is a symbol of fertility, therefore Semiramis is being represented here as Ashtoreth, Ishtar, or Easter, the goddess of fertility, whom the ancient Phoenicians and the apostate Jews, including King Solomon, worshipped. Â
This is further confirmed by the other side of the egg, which is black with a blanket of seven-pointed stars. Â The Bible tells us in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43 that the apostate Jews worshipped a goddess named Remphran and Chiun with a star. Â The Roman Catholic church, coincidentally, also worships a goddess, whom they call Mary, with five-, six-, seven-, and eight-pointed stars. Â
You may read more about it here and here.Â
The next series of images will prove conclusively that Munich is definitely into sun worship. Â If you’re ever in Munich, from the Hauptbahnhof (Main Train Station) take the U2 subway East to Messestadt Ost (Convention Center East). Â Try to sit at the front of the train.
When you arrive at Messestadt Ost, get off at the East side of the subway (where the elevator is). Â Take the stairs or the escalator to the first floor.
Once there, head toward the exit. Â Before you even get to the doors, you will notice a large circle on the ground with steep walls slanting upward.
Once outside, you will be greeted with a curious sight.
What are those lines for, and what is the significance of the Roman numerals? Â I’m certain that the lines correspond to the movements of the sun and the Roman numerals are the months of the year. Â This is a device for charting the sun’s movements. Â The smaller numbers, that you can barely make out, are actually dates, as shown below.
22.6 is June 22nd, and 23.5 and 23.7 are the 23rd of May and the 23rd of July, respectively. Â Is it a coincidence that June 22 is the last day of the summer solstice? Â
Now, I’m not into astrology, but John Todd, a former witch who was supposedly converted to Christianity, said that witchcraft is nothing without astrology and that a witch will do nothing without consulting the stars. Â That should give us some idea as to why someone thought this was necessary. Â The fact that this modern day Stonehenge was built with tax dollars ought to demonstrate to you the importance of astrology and sun worship to many in Munich today—and, in fact, the world. Â
Here is a top image of this temple of the sun.
Notice that the Roman numerals follow the path of the line and that the numerals stop at twelve. Â You should also notice that the path of the line makes a distinct shape. Â You may want to remember this so that if you see this shape somewhere else, you’ll know what it represents.
Here is the Munich Sun Temple from ground level. Â
Saints, Mystery Babylon is alive and well.
By now, you may be somewhat convinced that Mystery Babylon is the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis, the first king and queen of ancient Babylon. As all the world worshipped these two, then all gods and goddesses are really Nimrod and Semiramis.
Nimrod, as I stated earlier, was a black man (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p. 47). Now, Satan hates the black race because of the actions of one black man: Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. So, in nearly all cases, Nimrod’s blackness will be represented only symbolically. But this fact is still apparent for anyone with discernment.
Of the god Buddha, for example, Alexander Hislop, says, “The great god Buddh is generally represented in China as a Negro” (p. 57). Though many statues of Buddha in the West are often in gold color or brass, or, as in China and Japan, depict him with the skin color of a typical Asian, a great many statues of Buddha are black. And even when this is not the case, if you take a look at the hair on virtually all statues of Buddha, you will see that it is merely a stylized depiction of the coarse, curly hair associated with most black Africans. In fact, there are many statues of Buddha in China, Japan, and India which depict him not only with the skin color of a Negro, but also with the facial features of a black man.
The worship of Nimrod and Semiramis was put down when, according to Alexander Hislop and ancient historians, Shem, the middle son of Noah and father of the Semitic peoples, including the Jews, killed Nimrod for his crimes. From that point on, Nimrod’s worshippers went underground and practiced their religion in secret using occult symbols and secret signs and tokens.
One way the worshippers of Nimrod and Semiramis represented them secretly was as a goddess mother and her child. You may be interested to know that Semiramis, Nimrod’s wife, was also his mother. In fact, in the ancient world, Nimrod was known as “The Husband of His Mother” or simply “The Husband.” This title is found even in the Bible, as Baal. Most Bible students know that Baal means “lord,” but few consider that Baal also means “husband.” In ancient times, it was customary for a woman to call her husband “lord,” as a term of respect. As a matter of fact, the Bible teaches that Sarah, the wife of the great patriarch, Abraham, called her husband “lord” (1 Peter 3:6). Hang on for the significance of this.
As the worship of the deified couple was global (Acts 19:27), the worship of the Mother and Child was universal and predates Roman Catholicism by thousands of years. In fact, when Jesuit missionaries first arrived in China, they were surprised to find that the people there already worshipped a goddess, whom they called Shing Moo (or Ma Tsoopo), and her son!Â
Mystery Babylon, as the Bible calls the ancient worship of Nimrod and Semiramis, has its modern counterpart in the Roman Catholic church. And the Goddess Mother and Child are represented in the Roman Catholic church as the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus.
Rome knows full well that Nimrod and Cush, his father, were black. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI even has a black king on his personal coat of arms.
The equal-armed cross or “T” on the bear’s side may be a symbol for Nimrod, as he was also called Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). If so, then the black king is likely Cush. The seashell is a symbol for Semiramis, also called the Virgin Mary, who is known as “The Star of the Sea.” The three represent the pagan trinity.
Now, in that Mystery Babylon worships Nimrod and Semiramis covertly through symbols, but Satan hates blacks, then it is no wonder that Nimrod or the Baby Jesus is generally represented as white. Every now and then, however, I will come across a representation of Nimrod that is closer to the truth.
From the Munich Main Train Station (Hauptbahnhof), take the U2 or U5 subway East to Ostbahnhof (East Train Station). Go to the front of the train station and exit onto Orleansstrasse. Proceed South on Orleanstrasse about a quarter of a mile until you get to the intersection of Orleansstrasse and Rosenheimerstrasse.
On the Northwest corner you will see a building with the following painting on it:
As you can plainly see, though the “Baby Jesus” has the hair texture and facial features of a Caucasian, he clearly has the skin color of a Negro. And this is no affect of weather or any other anomaly, as the hand of the Virgin Mary, holding the “Baby Jesus” proves. Whoever painted this knew what he was doing. He knew that the Baby Jesus is really Nimrod. Truth is stranger than fiction, isn’t it?
We’ve already discussed the significance of the All-Seeing Eye. Well, I found another one a month or so ago. From the Munich Hauptbahnhof, take the U2 subway East to Untersbergstrasse. Take the exit that goes up to Werinherstrasse. Once upstairs, walk straight ahead on Werinherstrasse, staying on the left side of the street, for about a quarter mile until you get to the intersection of Werinherstrasse and Severinstrasse.Â
On the opposite side of the intersection you will see a large church-like building…
that has this on it:
The building houses, among other things, the Social Security office.
On the side of the building on the roof can be seen a stylized version of the symbol of the Jesuit order.
Stay tuned to this page for more pictures, God willing.
The Still Man