“Everybody has a camera on their phone. Â And anything you do can be recorded. Â It could be something completely innocent, but it could look like you’re doing this or that.”
–Blake Griffin, in an interview with USA Today’s Jefferson Graham, Thursday, November 1, 2012, p. 8a.
God is Omnipresent and Omniscient. Â He is everywhere and knows everything, and there is nothing hidden from His sight.
Satan wants to be like God (Isaiah 14:14), but he is neither omnipresent nor omniscient–he can’t be everywhere and he can’t know everything.  So, he has to do the next best thing: have people everywhere who watch everything.  Consequently, the twenty-first century will be (and is) characterized by the most pervasive (and invasive) surveillance system in the history of the universe.  Technology has made this possible, as cameras have gotten so incredibly small that they can be hidden most anywhere–especially in cell phones.
This century will also be characterized by the increasing enmity between the world and Christianity. Â Persecution will come, and surveillance plays a great role in that persecution. Â As Jesus was spied on (Luke 20:20), so shall we be spied on. Â As Jesus was watched, so shall we be watched. Â And as Jesus’ words and actions were scrutinized, so shall our actions and words be scrutinized. Â This is all part of the spiritual war in which we are involved.
The enemy will try to get us to do or say things that are un-Christian so that he can accuse us or even bring us before the authorities. Â I’m a witness. Â We have to meet these temptations in the power of the Holy Spirit and not in our own strength. Â We must always be aware that we represent the Lord Jesus, and, whenever possible, our words and actions must reflect His words and actions. Â Let us try to emulate Jesus Christ in everything we do and say.
The Still Man
He Said/She Said features statements made by people from all walks of life: whether famous or infamous, renown or unknown, historical or contemporary, that, often unbeknowst to the speaker, either reveal a spiritual truth or hold some other significance for the body of Christ.