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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: Gun Control
He Said/She Said: February 16, 2017
“Nothing was so expensive as a gun. For the gun, they sacrificed everything, usually life.” –Ilija Ivanovic, Witness to Jasenovac Hell, p. 18. Ivanovic is a Serb survivor of the notorious Croatian concentration camp at Jasenovac. The Roman Catholic Croats … Continue reading
I Was A Good Soldier
Grace and peace, Saints. The Waco tragedy has been on my subconscious since I saw the documentary, “Waco Rules of Engagement†earlier this year. It tears me apart when I think that American soldiers and law enforcement personnel were responsible … Continue reading
Posted in Gun Control, New World Order, Police state
Tagged ATF, Gun Control, Janet Reno, New World Order, Waco
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He Said/She Said – May 29, 2013
“I come from a country…where we just don’t have gun violence like you do in America. Â We have 30 or 40 murders a year from guns. Â You have 12,500.” –Pierce Morgan, May 27, 2013, during an interview with Bob Costas … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Gun Control, He Said/She Said, New World Order
Tagged He Said/She Said
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The Still Man’s Wayback Machine – Special Edition
Grace and peace, Saints! In light of what President Obama wants to do, and, in fact, will do to our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, Christians should read the following articles. You may want to read these … Continue reading
He Said/She Said – January 17, 2013
“I want for the children who are still alive to be safe, and not in danger.” —A young boy, one of several children who had written President Obama in the aftermath of Newtown, Connecticut. They were invited to the White … Continue reading