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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; — Philippians 1:29 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: Mystery Babylon
A God Whom His Fathers Knew Not
Grace and peace, brethren. Today, in the German state of Bavaria, is a public holiday, the name of which is fronleichnam, which is the German equivalent of Corpus Christi day.  When I was a child, I used to see that day … Continue reading
The Art of Noise
Well, I finally made it to St. Louis, and, I must say, it was a very eventful trip. Â My Hawaiian odyssey was short, but I can now check Hawaii off my list of places to see. Â To tell you the … Continue reading
More Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Grace and peace, Saints. As many of you may know, I originally started this blog subsequent to learning that I was under surveillance by the forces of darkness, which have been attacking me and my family for years.  I believe … Continue reading
Pope Francis Concecrates the World to the Virgin Mary
Grace and peace, Saints. You may recall that in our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we explain that according to Monica Farrell in Ravening Wolves, the Roman Catholic takeover of a nation happens in three phases: 1. A … Continue reading
The Coming Great Holocaust and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace. In our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, based on information taken from the book, “Ravening Wolves,” by Monica Farrell, we explain how the Roman Catholic church is currently in Phase Three of its takeover of … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism
Tagged The Holocaust, The Roman Catholic takeover of America
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Feigning Themselves To Be Just Men
Grace and peace. So far, I have not made good on my promise to be a better blogger this year, but there is a reason for that: with the new year came a new edition to our family. So, as … Continue reading
2014 and the Cult of Mary
Grace and peace, Saints. The above photo was posted on New Year’s Eve to Facebook by MasterCard. Â Don’t these gestures all look very peculiar? Doesn’t the hand in the center seem to be displaying what looks remarkably like a Nazi … Continue reading
Ravening Wolves Part 5
Grace and peace, Saints. We have completed the fifth and final part of our narration of the book, Ravening Wolves. It is available from the iTunes Store at our podcast These Last Days where you can download it for free for playback on … Continue reading
Posted in Podcasts, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Ravening Wolves, These Last Days Podcast
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Ravening Wolves Part 4
Grace and peace, Saints. We have completed part four of our narration of the book, Ravening Wolves.  It is available at our podcast These Last Days at the iTunes Store for playback on your favorite listening device.  For your convenience, it is also … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Ravening Wolves, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Ravening Wolves, These Last Days Podcast
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A Widowed Church?
Grace and peace to the family of the Most High, and greetings to the kin of Satan. In his homily at a recent Vatican mass, Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13, reaffirmed a long-standing doctrine of the … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Roman Catholicism, The Virgin Mary is Semiramis
And Africa Shall Be At His Steps
Grace and peace to the household of faith. In Joseph Kony, CNN, and the New World Order, we told you that the unprecedented turmoil in Egypt and other African countries is prophetic. Â The Bible says that all this unrest is … Continue reading
Occult Hand Signs and the Cult of Mary
Grace and peace to my fellowservants who have the testimony of Jesus Christ, and greetings to the servants of Satan. According to Chapter 19 of the Book of Acts, the idol known as Diana of Ephesus was worshipped all over … Continue reading
Trayvon Martin and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. I have not followed the whole Trayvon Martin diversion very closely, because I understand that though it has major significance for the future of the world, there are more important things that deserve my attention: namely, … Continue reading
What Will Be The Number of the Beast?
Grace and peace to my fellow kings and priests, and greetings to the children of wrath. Many of you know that we believe whole-heartedly that Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist, Pope Francis is the False Prophet, and the idol, … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, End Times, Roman Catholicism, The Antichrist
Tagged The number of the beast
Deceitful Workers: Carlos Santana
Grace and peace to a peculiar people, and greetings to the rest of the world. As Christians, we know that Roman Catholicism is not Christianity, but is, in fact, the ancient, pagan, Babylonian worship of the goddess, Semiramis, and her … Continue reading
Posted in Carlos Santana, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Carlos Santana and devil worship, Deceitful Workers
New Columbia and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. Â If you’ve read our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, then you are familiar with the book, Ravening Wolves, which we quote in that series. Â In the book, author and Christian evangelist, Monica Ferrell, … Continue reading
The Shocking Testimony of Sister Charlotte
Grace and peace, Saints. I present for your edification the very disturbing testimony of Sister Charlotte (a pseudonym), a former Roman Catholic nun. Â Sister Charlotta testified to having been a nun in a cloistered convent for 22 years, and to … Continue reading
He Said/She Said – May 25, 2013
“There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.” –British Prime Minister, David Cameron, on May 23, 2013, during a press conference following the brutal daylight slaying of British soldier, Lee Rigby, by two Muslims. “Muslims kill more … Continue reading
Two Marys
Grace and peace to the children of Light. A Roman Catholic devotee wrote me recently in regards to our article, The Virgin Mary: The Star of the Sea. She said that after reading the article, she was so distressed that … Continue reading
“Please, Just Say, ‘Thank you.'”
Grace and peace, believers. This has not been a good week for me spiritually. I allowed Satan to beguile me into succumbing to anger, and the result was that I spoke and behaved in a way that was very unbecoming … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Anger, Bipolar Disorder, Depression
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He Said/She Said – April 30, 2013
“I’m glad I’m coming out in 2013 rather than in 2003. Â The climate has shifted; public opinion has shifted. Â And we still have so much farther to go.” –Jason Collins, NBA Center, First active player to come out in team … Continue reading
Posted in He Said/She Said, Homosexuality
Tagged He Said/She Said, The Homosexual Movement
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The Virgin Mary: The “Star of the Sea”
Grace and peace, Saints. I know I said that I was taking a break from blogging, but I stumbled upon something that was so significant under the circumstances, that I had to tell you about it. As you may recall, … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Roman Catholicism, Star worship, the six-pointed star is a symbol for Semiramis, the six-pointed star is a symbol for the Virgin Mary, The Virgin Mary is Diana of Ephesus, The Virgin Mary is Semiramis, The Virgin Mary is the Abomination of Desolation
The Star Of Your God
Grace and peace, Saints. Below is the present coat of arms of Pope Francis, which features the emblem of the Jesuit order.  This is actually the modified version. The original design featured essentially the same three elements, but slightly … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Roman Catholicism, The Jesuits
Tagged Mystery Babylon, Nimrod and Semiramis, Pope Francis coat of Arms, Roman Catholicism, the seashell symbolizes Semiramis, the star symbolizes Semiramis, the sun symbolizes Nimrod, The Virgin Mary is Diana of Ephesus, The Virgin Mary is Semiramis, The Virgin Mary is the Abomination of Desolation
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Grace and peace, saints. As everyone knows, there is a new pope in Rome. Formerly Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis chose his name from Saint Francis of Assisi, known as “The Reformer.” Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Church, Zionism, Stars, and Seashells
“And [the two witnesses] dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified†(Revelation 12:8). Grace and peace to the body of Christ. Semiramis, … Continue reading
Roman Catholicism, Children, and Fear
 Grace and peace, Saints. Children play an integral role in Satan’s plan to destroy Protestant Biblical Christianity and establish his satanic New World Order. In Nazi Germany, Hitler used children to spy on their parents and inform the government … Continue reading
Posted in Mind Control, Roman Catholicism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Fear, Mind Control, Roman Catholicism
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The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part III
Grace and peace, Saints. At the dedication of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on November 20, 1959, a prayer was read dedicating the United States to the Virgin Mary. Â One may not believe this to have had any special … Continue reading
The Mystery of “M”
Grace and peace. Many of you may be familiar with the “M” sign that so many celebrities, religious leaders, politicians, and others have been photographed making with their middle two fingers. We detailed this handsign in our post, Occultism and … Continue reading
More On Our Lady of America
Grace and peace, Saints. You may recall that in our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we related that there is a plan to install a statue of the Virgin Mary in the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception … Continue reading
Ravening Wolves: Brother Mike
“This is part of the [Roman] Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and nothing more. Â I have no intentions of getting out of the [Roman Catholic] church and bringing this people out of the Catholic fold. Â “In fact, there were instances … Continue reading
The Identity of the False Prophet
Grace and peace, Saints. By now our readers know that my elucidating of how current events actually line up with biblical prophecy can sometimes seem a little circuitous, but it is always Holy-Ghost inspired and Bible-grounded. With this disclaimer, I … Continue reading
“Let No Man Glory In Men”
“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy…Therefore let no man glory in men.” Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (1 Corinthians 3:17,21) I say again: this man is Antichrist. The Still … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism
Tagged Pope Benedict XVI is Antichrist, Roman Catholicism
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A Dialogue With A Jehovah’s Witness
Grace and peace, Saints. Last Saturday, two Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door. This is nothing new, as I get Jehovah’s Witnesses coming to my door all the time. In fact, back home in St. Louis, there is one Jehovah’s … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Freemasonry, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses
Tagged Jehovah's Witnesses, Personal Testimonies
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He Said/She Said – February 25, 2013
 “Latin, the sleeping giant of languages, is very much awake and alive.” –Christianne Amanpour, CNN International, February 15, 2013, speaking on the rapid growth of Latin in school curriculums. Now compare with this passage of Scripture: “The beast that thou sawest … Continue reading
Posted in He Said/She Said, Roman Catholicism
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Spiritual Wickedness In High Places
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to those who remain … Continue reading
House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus
Grace and peace, Saints. I have always wondered exactly how the Antichrist would unite all the world’s religions in his one-world church. Â This is an important question, because the greatest of the world religions: Christianity, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Buddhism … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part I
 Grace and peace, Saints. A couple of weeks ago, we made available for download to our readers a very important book.  It is called Ravening Wolves and it was written by Monica Farrell, a converted Roman Catholic. Farrell was … Continue reading
New Podcast
Greetings, Saints. The podcast for our teaching, A Goddess By Any Other Name is available for download at the iTunes Store.  You can subscribe to our free podcast here. Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. The Still … Continue reading
Occult Symbology: New Photos
Grace and peace, believers. You may want to check out our post, Occult Symbology and the Christian Church. Â We have added many more photos of people you may know, respect, and maybe even love, flashing a particular occult hand sign. … Continue reading
“The facts contained in this book are vital to all Protestants. When read, pass the book on to your friends that they too may be informed and warned of Roman Catholic brutalities.” –Monica Farrell, author, Ravening Wolves. Grace and peace, Saints. … Continue reading
He Said/She Said – January 9, 2013
“I think it’s fascinating how people, what should I say, find a spiritual meaning in something that really didn’t exist. They seem to project a meaning upon it. I think that a lot of people here are very happy.”   –Prof. … Continue reading
Posted in He Said/She Said, Mystery Babylon, The Occult
Tagged 2013, He Said/She Said - January 27, Mayan Calendar 2012
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Mary: Virgin Daughter of Babylon
Grace and peace, Saints. Most of our readers know that we believe the Antichrist is pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, and that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in the Book of Daniel, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and … Continue reading
“Though One Rose From The Dead”
 Grace and peace to the Elect Lady, and greetings to the many women of ill repute. A reader asked my opinion of Angelica Zambrano, an Ecuadorian girl, who claims to have died and been taken to hell.  I had … Continue reading
A Goddess, By Any Other Name…
Diana of Ephesus “What say I then?  that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? “But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, … Continue reading
The Greatest Love Of All
Grace and peace to my fellow strangers and pilgrims, and greetings to those who love the world. For some reason, the song “The Greatest Love of All†kept coming to my mind yesterday. I don’t know why that was. It’s … Continue reading
What Will Be The Mark of the Beast?
Grace and peace, Saints. Most of us are familiar with the mark of the beast associated with the Antichrist and the “cashless society†mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of the Book of the Revelation. “And [the False Prophet] causesth all, … Continue reading
Christianity to Babylon
“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelation 17:5). Grace and peace, Saints. We have just completed a podcast that is an excellent companion to our … Continue reading
Babylon Go’on Fall!
Grace and peace, believers, and greetings to my many enemies. Today I watched CNN’s coverage of President Barak Obama’s historic “coming out” in support of gay marriage—a first for a sitting president—with great interest, and, to tell you the truth, … Continue reading