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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: Mystery Babylon
Is the President of the United States the Holy Roman Emperor?
Grace and peace, Saints. I’ve made some interesting discoveries in the past week. The first discovery happened last weekend, while watching the disaster movie 2012 for the second time. When I first watched the movie some years ago, I had … Continue reading
Posted in Protestantism, Roman Catholic Takeover of America, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Did a Roman Catholic priest exorcise the White House?, Is there a chapel in the White House?, Is there a statue of the Virgin Mary in the White House?, Our Lady of America, President Trump and Our Lady of Fatima, The Roman Catholic takeover of America, What does MAGA really mean?
The Truth About Freemasonry: Freemasonry is Roman Catholic
Many of the rites in Freemasonry are almost identical to those found in Roman Catholicism. Continue reading
The Truth About Freemasonry
Freemasonry is a Mystery Religion and, as such, cannot be reconciled with the Bible. Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Once again, today, August 15, marks the celebration of the Roman Catholic feast day known as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Assumption. A Practical Catholic Dictionary says this about the Assumption: “The taking into … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: The Purification of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Grace and peace to all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, and greetings to all pretenders. February the 2nd marks the celebration of the Roman Catholic feast day known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Penance
The Roman Catholic Sacrament of Penance denies the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Continue reading
Halloween: Proof That America Is Evil
“America is great because she is good. When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” –Alexis de Tocqueville. Grace and peace, Saints. In five days, Americans will celebrate All Hallows Eve, commonly known as Halloween. Americans … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: The Assumption
Today, Roman Catholics celebrate a holiday known as “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” or simply, The Assumption. A Practical Catholic Dictionary describes the Assumption as: “The taking into Heaven of the body of the Blessed Virgin Mary soon … Continue reading
The Virgin Mary: The Androgynous Goddess?
Grace and peace, Saints. For years, I wondered why statues and pictures portraying the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary often depict the goddess standing with her left leg slightly bent in a peculiar fashion. If it were just one instance, perhaps … Continue reading
I Choose To Forgive
Grace and peace, Saints This is part of my testimony and will give you an idea of the circumstances that characterize my ministry, and why I do what I do. Please listen with an open mind. The Still Man Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2017 Anthony Keeton, The Still ManSome … Continue reading
Beast Watch: Pope Francis Once Again Admits That The Roman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication” (Revelation 17:4). Grace and peace, Saints. … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Are Jews and Muslims Christians?
Grace and peace, Saints. In our last article, we discussed the fact that the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Movement is gaining momentum with every passing day. In the article, we showed you an advertisement for a concert here in Munich featuring … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Islam, judaism, Roman Catholicism
Tagged Ecumenism, Judaism, New World Order, One World Church, Roman Catholicism, Synagogue of Satan
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And The Ecumenical Movement Keeps Rolling Along
Grace and peace, Saints. The move towards a one world church seems to be picking up steam, as can be clearly seen in advertisements I’ve been seeing around Munich. This is an advertisement for a concert featuring music from “Judaism, … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Penance Denies The Atonement
Grace and peace, Saints. Today is Day Seven of the Forty-Day Roman Catholic celebration of Lent, and, as promised, we continue with our essay “What Is Lent?†According to A Practical Catholic Dictionary, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, ushers in … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Can the Virgin Mary Save You?
Grace and peace, Saints. Bible-believing Protestant Christians are aware that the Roman Catholic Church exalts the Virgin Mary into the place of  the Lord Jesus Christ and even above Him. One way they do this is by calling the Virgin … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: What Is Lent?
Grace and peace. Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Roman Catholic celebration of Lent. A Practical Catholic Dictionary defines Lent as: “The period of forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday during which by prayer … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Who Is The Morning Star, Jesus or the Virgin Mary?
Grace and peace, Saints. Page 135 of A Practical Catholic Dictionary defines a litany as “A prayer of devotion consisting of short invocations followed by responses.” It goes on to say, “In the invocations, Our Lord, Our Lady, or the … Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Was Jesus The First Catholic Priest?
Grace and peace, Saints. Roman Catholics are very adamant that Jesus Christ instituted the Roman Catholic Church when He told the Apostle Peter “Upon this rock I will build my church†(Matthew 16:18). Never mind that Jesus Christ was referring … Continue reading
Veneration And Adoration Are Worship
Grace and peace, Saints. Yesterday, a Roman Catholic posted an interesting response to our article entitled “An Unexpected Meeting With Ganesh.” I believe his comment echoes the sentiments of many Catholics, including many you may know–so I decided to share … Continue reading
Canada’s Residential Schools
Grace and peace, Saints. Have you ever heard of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools? I hadn’t, until recently. Â I invite you to please watch the following video in its entirety. If you have a heart, it will break. Be encouraged and … Continue reading
What Do Roman Catholics Really Believe?
Grace and peace, saints. Today we begin a series which asks the question, “What Do Roman Catholics Really Believe?” I was moved to do this series by something I saw while reading through A Practical Catholic Dictionary, a book written for … Continue reading
Are There Crypto-Catholics In Your Family?
Grace and peace to those who love Jesus sincerely, and greetings to the enemies of the cross of Christ. When I was a boy, living in a two-family flat on the west side of St. Louis, Missouri, my family used … Continue reading
Missionary Organizations and the Counter Reformation
Grace and peace, saints A couple of days ago, I was checking out missionary organizations online, curious to see what mission fields are considered priority right now. One organization I checked out was SIM, an “international interdenominational mission†headquartered in … Continue reading
Beast Watch: Pope Francis Celebrates The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Grace and peace, saints. Today, Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, celebrated the Mass of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Vatican in Rome. Guadalupe is the Aztec title of the Virgin Mary and literally … Continue reading
Beast Watch: Pope Francis Pays Homage To The Statue of the Immaculate Conception
Grace and peace, saints. Today I watched the live streaming of Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, paying homage to the statue of the Immaculate Conception in Rome. As usual, the pontiff was thronged by Roman faithful crying … Continue reading
Till Mother Church Do Us Part
Grace and peace, to the Saints of God, and greetings to those who have yet to make a decision for the Lord Jesus. The media has always portrayed the Roman Catholic Church as a stark advocate of marriage, family, and … Continue reading
The Protestant, Volume 1
We have added a new resource to our bibliography, a book entitled The Protestant. Written in 1837 by William McGavin, a Scottish Christian merchant, the Protestant is a compilation of a series of essays written by McGavin and published weekly … Continue reading
Racism and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Grace and peace, Saints, This morning I awoke around 3:30 .A.M. And could not go back to sleep. This is nothing new, but, today was different. Today, I couldn’t … Continue reading
Lord, In Whom Can We Trust?
Grace and peace, Saints. Today I was on YouTube looking for the lyrics and melody to an old Negro Spiritual entitled “Changed My Name” to add to my repertoire. Because I went to church only occasionally before I got saved … Continue reading
Witness to Jasenovac’s Hell
Grace and peace, Saints. We have added another resource to our bibliography, a book entitled Witness to Jasenovac’s Hell. Written by a survivor of the Jasenovac concentration camp in Yugoslavia during WWII, this book provides a horrifying glimpse into the … Continue reading
That They Should Kill One Another
“There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.†–British Prime Minister, David Cameron, on May 23, 2013, during a press conference following the brutal daylight slaying of British soldier, Lee Rigby, by two Muslims. “Muslims kill more … Continue reading
Vatican May Apologize for Persecution of Christians
The Vatican may soon issue a formal apology for the Roman Catholic church’s historical persecution of Bible-believing Protestant Christians. During a recent homily, Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, said, “Jesus, before the Passion, prayed for the unity … Continue reading
Two Fingers In The Air!
This photo depicts First Lady Michelle Obama at a Times Square event with members of the United States Olympic team passing a basketball. My question is how she manages to pass a basketball with those two fingers sticking up like … Continue reading
Corpus Christi Day/Fronleichnam: Worshipping The Creature More Than The Creator
Thursday May 26, 2016, here in Bavaria and in other German states, a holiday called fronleichnam will be celebrated. Fronleichnam is the German equivalent of what is called Corpus Christi Day in America. Corpus Christi Day is a Roman Catholic … Continue reading
Black Helicopters Over Munich?
Grace and peace, Saints. A couple of weeks ago, I heard the sound of a helicopter flying somewhere near my house. By the sound of it, I could tell that it was flying very near to the ground and very … Continue reading
But, At What Cost?
“Thou shalt not take a gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous” (Deuteronomy 16:19). Grace and peace, Saints. Last month, I went to visit a friend whom I had … Continue reading
Dead Priests Tell No Truths
Grace and peace, Saints. If a church is made up of people, and people “are human and have failings,” why does the Roman Catholic church call itself infallible (perfect)? If Roman Catholic priests “are human and have failings,” why do … Continue reading
Strange Bedfellows: Buddhism and Roman Catholicism
A few days ago, I returned home from a week’s hospital stay for a light stroke I suffered the Saturday before last. A couple of days before I was released, I went to the hospital coffee room to write and … Continue reading
The Incredible Truth About the Mark of the Beast
Grace and peace, Saints. We have just completed what will probably be the most important video we have ever done. Â It concerns the truth about the biblical Mark of the Beast and it is guaranteed to blow your mind. Â By … Continue reading
My Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Visit
Grace and peace, Saints. Well, the Roman Catholic pope came to the United States amid much fanfare, pomp, and gaiety. The American press hailed it as possibly the greatest moment in our country’s history. I, however, believe it to be … Continue reading
We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook
Grace and peace, Saints. We are again sharing with our readers the expose on the Sandy Hook massacre entitled, “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook,” a video which presents a very compelling case that Sandy Hook may have been … Continue reading
The Book of Mormon: Another Testimony of “Another Jesus”
Grace and peace. A couple of days ago, I was going through some of my books, compiling a bibliography for a book that I am working on, when I came across the Book of Mormon. I had not looked at … Continue reading
Election 2016 and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. Many of you are aware that the Roman Catholic Takeover of a country involves three phases: 1. A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary, 2. Dedication or consecration of that country to … Continue reading
Munich Occult Symoblism – New Photos
Grace and peace. We have added new photos to our montage of Munich’s Occult Symbolism. You want to see these. Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. The Still Man
The Truth About President Abraham Lincoln
Grace and peace, Saints. How many of you know that tomorrow, April 14, 2015 is the anniversary of the assassination of the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln? If you didn’t know, don’t feel bad: you had a … Continue reading
The Shocking Testimony of Sister Charlotte
Grace and peace, Saints. Back in 2013, we posted the testimony of former Roman Catholic nun, Charlotte Wells (a pseudonym), who spent 22 years in a cloistered convent hidden away from public scrutiny. Ms. Wells’ testified to regular physical abuse … Continue reading
A Letter To Jack
Grace and peace to those who have the blessed hope, and greetings to those who have no hope at all. As you may recall, we wrote an article a couple of years ago entitled, Man You Don’t Know Jack! wherein … Continue reading
Was It Worth It?
Grace and peace. I haven’t said anything about the purported beheading of Peter Kassig, a former Army Ranger and aid worker in Lebanon, by ISIS. Â But when I learned he had converted to Islam, changing his hame to Abdul Rahman, … Continue reading
Band of Brothers?
Grace and peace, Saints. Last year, publicist Jack Chick addressed the growing hostility toward biblical Christianity in the military. He cited the following examples given by the World News Service that exemplify the military’s growing apostasy: An Army Reserve training … Continue reading
Climate Change and the Socialist Agenda
Grace and peace, Saints. By now, most of us know that one purpose for the media is to divert our attention away from what is really important onto something less significant. Â You may recall, for example, that last fall, while … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, New World Order, Socialism
Tagged Climate change, Climate Summit 2014, Global Warming
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