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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: End Times
He Said/She Said: February 16, 2017
“Nothing was so expensive as a gun. For the gun, they sacrificed everything, usually life.” –Ilija Ivanovic, Witness to Jasenovac Hell, p. 18. Ivanovic is a Serb survivor of the notorious Croatian concentration camp at Jasenovac. The Roman Catholic Croats … Continue reading
And The Ecumenical Movement Keeps Rolling Along
Grace and peace, Saints. The move towards a one world church seems to be picking up steam, as can be clearly seen in advertisements I’ve been seeing around Munich. This is an advertisement for a concert featuring music from “Judaism, … Continue reading
Remembering Waco: Day One
Today marks the 24th anniversary of Day One of the United States federal government’s raid on the Mount Carmel Center and church owned by David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. On February 28, 1993, the Federal Bureau … Continue reading
Posted in End Times, New World Order, Persecution, Police state
Tagged New World Order, Polic State, Waco
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The Blessing of Sleeping Late
Sunday morning, while everyone was still in bed, I took advantage of that time to have a cup of tea and spend a little time in reflection. But, as usual, when it was just getting good, in walks my son … Continue reading
Posted in Edification, End Times
Tagged 1 Timothy 3, 1 Timothy 6:8, Abraham Lincoln, Hebrews 13:5, ingratitude, slavery, The U.S. Civil War
Trayvon Martin and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. I have not followed the whole Trayvon Martin diversion very closely, because I understand that though it has major significance for the future of the world, there are more important things that deserve my attention: namely, … Continue reading
What Will Be The Number of the Beast?
Grace and peace to my fellow kings and priests, and greetings to the children of wrath. Many of you know that we believe whole-heartedly that Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist, Pope Francis is the False Prophet, and the idol, … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, End Times, Roman Catholicism, The Antichrist
Tagged The number of the beast
Grace and peace, saints. As everyone knows, there is a new pope in Rome. Formerly Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis chose his name from Saint Francis of Assisi, known as “The Reformer.” Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Church, Zionism, Stars, and Seashells
“And [the two witnesses] dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified†(Revelation 12:8). Grace and peace to the body of Christ. Semiramis, … Continue reading
The Identity of the False Prophet
Grace and peace, Saints. By now our readers know that my elucidating of how current events actually line up with biblical prophecy can sometimes seem a little circuitous, but it is always Holy-Ghost inspired and Bible-grounded. With this disclaimer, I … Continue reading
Two Popes?
Grace and peace to the children of the Prince of Peace, and greetings to those loyal subjects of the prince of darkness. There’s no doubt that Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement to retire sounded rather suspect, especially given that there was … Continue reading
Pope Benedict XVI Announces Resignation
Grace and peace, Saints. It seems that the Roman Catholic pope, Benedict XVI, has announced his resignation as the Bishop of Rome. Â This came as a shock to most people, as there were no signs of illness or failing health, … Continue reading
House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus
Grace and peace, Saints. I have always wondered exactly how the Antichrist would unite all the world’s religions in his one-world church. Â This is an important question, because the greatest of the world religions: Christianity, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Buddhism … Continue reading
The Roman Catholic Takeover of America – Part I
 Grace and peace, Saints. A couple of weeks ago, we made available for download to our readers a very important book.  It is called Ravening Wolves and it was written by Monica Farrell, a converted Roman Catholic. Farrell was … Continue reading
New Podcast
Greetings, Saints. The podcast for our teaching, A Goddess By Any Other Name is available for download at the iTunes Store.  You can subscribe to our free podcast here. Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. The Still … Continue reading
Mary: Virgin Daughter of Babylon
Grace and peace, Saints. Most of our readers know that we believe the Antichrist is pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, and that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in the Book of Daniel, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and … Continue reading
“Some of the Better Manuscripts”
Grace and peace, Saints. Today I was reading from Marching Through Mark, a book by J. Vernon McGee, which is used as a textbook for one of my Bible classes. McGee was discussing Mark 11:25-26 in particular, which stresses the … Continue reading
A Goddess, By Any Other Name…
Diana of Ephesus “What say I then?  that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? “But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, … Continue reading
What Will Be The Mark of the Beast?
Grace and peace, Saints. Most of us are familiar with the mark of the beast associated with the Antichrist and the “cashless society†mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of the Book of the Revelation. “And [the False Prophet] causesth all, … Continue reading
Further Musings On The Antichrist
Grace and peace to a peculiar people, and greetings to the children of wrath. Lately I have been meditating a great deal on the Antichrist, and if you have read our article, The Identity of Antichrist, then you know we contend he … Continue reading
Posted in The Abomination of Desolation, The Antichrist
Tagged Daniel 3:6, Daniel 4:8, Nebuchadnezzar's image, Nebuchadnezzar's image and the Abomination of Desolation are the same, Revelation 13:15, The Abomination of Desolation, The image of the beast, The Virgin Mary is Diana of Ephesus, The Virgin Mary is the Many Breasted One
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Without Natural Affection: Powered Babies As Dietary Supplements
Grace and peace, saints. Today I read in several online newspapers that South Korean customs officials have discovered thousands of pills containing powered human flesh believed to be the remains of aborted or stillborn babies from China. Â Called “rejuvenation pills,” … Continue reading
Grace and peace to the body of Christ, and greetings to the lost. Saints, the sand in the hourglass is almost spent, and the fullness of the Gentiles is almost fully come as we are nearing the culmination of time … Continue reading
What (Who) Do The Rapture And The “Curse of Ham” Have in Common?
Grace and peace, believers. I’m very sorry that I haven’t posted anything relevant in over a week. Every now and then, it seems that my head gets so full trying to process the incredible deception that is being perpetrated on … Continue reading
Man, You Don’t Know Jack!
Grace and peace, Saints. Chick tracts have been around for decades now. Â The first time I saw a Jack Chick tract I was around sixteen years old. Â My father, who was an associate pastor, ran an electronics repair shop where … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Deception, The Occult, The Rapture
Tagged Occult imagery in Chick tracts
The Still Man Mail Bag: Monday March 12, 2012
Grace and peace believers and greetings to those who do not believe. This question was asked by one of our readers: “Is investing wrong? I would like to learn about investing and do it one day. But is it the same … Continue reading
Posted in End Times
Tagged Cashless Society, Revelation 13:16-17, the Amero, the Mark of the Beast
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Japanese Tsunami: One Year Later
Grace and peace. It was one year ago today that Japan was hit by a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating tsunami that ravaged the country’s coast killing hundreds of thousands of people. Â Now, one year later, scientists here in … Continue reading
Without Natural Affection 2: The Cleanup
Grace and peace to a peculiar people; cherished and beloved of God, and greetings to those who still walk in darkness. Remember the unfortunate riot in Vancouver, BC, which occurred after the Kanucks lost to the Boston Bruins in the … Continue reading
Pagans, Witches and Druids, Oh My!
Grace and peace believers, and greetings to the unbelieving. I was mildly surprised to hear that the United States Air Force Academy recently dedicated a $80,000 pagan worship center. You may not realize it, but this actually has prophetic significance. … Continue reading
The Identity of the Antichrist
“And He put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the Spirit lift me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem… … Continue reading
Posted in End Times, New World Order, Roman Catholicism, The Abomination of Desolation, The Antichrist, The Great Tribulation
Tagged Abomination of desolation, Antichrist, Cybele, Diana of Ephesus, God of Forces, Idolatry, Pope Benedict XVI, Rhea, Roman Catholicism, Semiramis, The Many Breasted One, The Two Babylons, Virgin Mary
Without Natural Affection
Grace and peace to the Body of the Lord Jesus, and greetings to those still in the world. No doubt many of you have already seen this tragic story out of China involving a two-year-old girl who was mercilessly run … Continue reading
Dr. Juanita Bynum: Prophetess or Witch?
Grace and peace to the brethren, and greetings to those still in the world. This morning while reading the headlines at a Christian news site, I came across this one: “Televangelist Juanita Bynum Raises Brows With ‘Tongues’ Prayer on Facebook†… Continue reading
Posted in Juanita Bynum, Ravening Wolves, The Abomination of Desolation, The Antichrist, Witchcraft
Tagged Diana of Ephesus, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Goddess of Witches, Many Breasted One, Occultism in the Church, Semiramis, Speaking in tongues, The Tower of Babel, The Two Babylons, Typing in tongues, Witchcraft, Witchcraft in the Church
Animal Rights and the New World Order
Grace and peace, saints. Since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and understood that many of the fantastic things going on in the world are actually a part of Biblical prophecy, I have always tried to view the world … Continue reading
‪The Wounded Platoon
‪ Grace and peace to you. I came across this video the other day.  It is tragic what is happening to these young men. We must pray for them. The Wounded Platoon 1‬†– YouTube.
Posted in Wars and Rumors of Wars
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Weep For Your Children
Grace and peace unto you, Saints, and greetings to those who are still in the world. We are living in some frightening times. Murder has always been with us.  Ever since Cain killed righteous Abel in the Garden of Eden, … Continue reading
“Greater Love Hath No Man Than This…”
Grace and peace. The Midwest and the South are experiencing a record year with floods and tornados. With regard to tornados, Missouri had been somewhat lucky until now. The tornado that tore through St. Louis on April 20th did a lot … Continue reading
“Take Heed That No Man Deceive You” (Matthew 24:4)
Grace and peace, Saints. Folks, I have just spent the last three and a half hours on YouTube checking out videos posted by various “Christian†ministries. Let me tell you something in all seriousness: If you do not have the … Continue reading
God Did Not Give Us The Spirit Of Fear
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Grace and peace to you. I was reading last night that scientists have found some mysterious, … Continue reading
Perilous Times Shall Come
I was reflecting today on yesterday’s news story about the couple that nearly starved their six-year-old child to death. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the longer I live, and the more I see, the … Continue reading
Posted in End Times
Tagged Christian, End Times, Last Days, Without Natural Affection
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Was the Royal Wedding a Spirit-filled event?
When I came home last night, I went to check my email and check the news headlines to see if anything major in the world had happened while I was out. Of course, the major headline was the wedding of … Continue reading
Posted in End Times
Tagged Christian, Ephesians 6:11, Last Days, Royal Wedding, Spiritual Wickedness In High Places, William and Kate
Tornado Miracle
Grace and peace to you. Today is the day Christians celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Historically, believers go to church and fellowship with other believers, rejoicing in that our Lord and Savior is Risen, and because He … Continue reading
Posted in Disasters In Diverse Places, Salvation
Tagged assurance, flood, hurricane, Jesus Christ, natural disaster, repentance, Salvation, Tornado, Tsunami
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America and the End Times
Grace and peace to you. Today I was studying the prophetic Word in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of the Revelation. A couple of months ago I had purposed to study prophecy more to get a better … Continue reading
Posted in End Times
Tagged Depression, Economic Babylon, End Times, Global Economic Collapse, Last Days, Revelation Chapter 18, Tsunami
Japanese Tsunami: A Sign of the times
Grace and peace to you. Today Japan is reeling from an 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit the island country earlier this morning. As if that weren’t enough, the earthquake was followed by a huge tsunami that sent a wall of … Continue reading