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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; — Philippians 1:29 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Category Archives: Doctrine
That the Wind Should Not Blow
We often forget to thank the Lord Jesus for the little things, like a cool breeze; but imagine if there were no breeze? Continue reading
The Fear of You (Or the Lack Thereof)
Animal attacks on humans have seen a marked increase in recent years. On Memorial Day, for example, a 4-year-old boy was attacked by a mountain lion at a wildlife preserve in California. The boy was hiking with a group of … Continue reading
A Lesson In Gratitude
We should be grateful even for the little things, like a cup of hot cocoa. Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Gratitude
Tagged Be thankful, Ephesians 5:20, Gratitude, I like cocoa, Psalm 84:11
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What Roman Catholics Really Believe: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Once again, today, August 15, marks the celebration of the Roman Catholic feast day known as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Assumption. A Practical Catholic Dictionary says this about the Assumption: “The taking into … Continue reading
Remembering Waco: Day One
Today marks the 24th anniversary of Day One of the United States federal government’s raid on the Mount Carmel Center and church owned by David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. On February 28, 1993, the Federal Bureau … Continue reading
Posted in End Times, New World Order, Persecution, Police state
Tagged New World Order, Polic State, Waco
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Forgive Me
Grace and peace. Saints, when I wrote my first blog post back in February 2011, I had no idea that it would develop into a ministry. I didn’t have a plan. I neither knew what I wanted to say nor … Continue reading
Posted in Testimony
Tagged Ecclesiastics 4:5, James 5:16, Personal Testimonies, Romans 14: 23
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Easter is Not Resurrection Day
Grace and peace, Saints. Last week my son and I were waiting for the subway, when an advertisement for chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies appeared on the television monitor on the wall of the subway station. As we watched the … Continue reading
“Bone of My Bones”
Grace and peace, Saints. A lady wrote me recently asking what she should do regarding choosing a minister to marry her and her longtime boyfriend. Â She wondered whom she should choose to say the nuptials, because she and her boyfriend … Continue reading
Did Jesus Die For My Future Sins?
Grace and peace, Saints. I recently received an email from one of our readers who had read our article on generational curses. I responded to her email, and she wrote me back later that day asking me a very interesting … Continue reading
Mother’s Day Woes
Grace and peace, Saints. On Mother’s Day, I received an email from a very despondent mom, whose plans for that day were ruined when her daughter became ill. I sometimes get emails from Christians whose trials may be causing them … Continue reading
Resurrection Day 2015: Christ is Risen Indeed!
Grace and peace, Saints! Resurrection Day 2015 is upon us, and what a great day it is indeed! Â I don’t know about you, but I’m grateful to be alive today and to be able to say “Thank You” to our … Continue reading
Charlie Hebdo And What It Really Means
Grace and peace, Saints. We have completed a podcast on the significance of the Paris terrorist attacks of last week. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, then you must listen to this podcast; for this event has farther-reaching implications … Continue reading
Beware The Smoking Gum
Grace and peace, Saints. It is no secret that Satan is after our kids, and that is why it is important that we, as Christian parents, keep our antenna up for the slightest hint of trouble. Â Most of us are … Continue reading
Band of Brothers?
Grace and peace, Saints. Last year, publicist Jack Chick addressed the growing hostility toward biblical Christianity in the military. He cited the following examples given by the World News Service that exemplify the military’s growing apostasy: An Army Reserve training … Continue reading
A Letter To Ms. “V”
Grace and peace. Earlier this year, a lady wrote me requesting prayer and deliverance. Â A few days ago, she wrote me again a few days ago to update me on her situation and to ask me a question. Â Both times … Continue reading
Should A Christian Be Nice, Or Should A Christian Be Good?
Grace and peace to the children of the day, and greetings to the denizens of the night. Today, a deliveryman for DHS (the European equivalent of UPS) came to my door to deliver me a package (of Gospel tracts. Â Woohoo!). … Continue reading
Posted in Christian Character, Persecution
Tagged Good vs. Nice, Matthew 5:44, Persecution
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God Hears You!
Grace and peace to the hands and feet of the Lord, and greetings to those who have yet to become the body of Christ (but I’m prayin’ for ya!) I get several prayer requests a month, and, believe me, I … Continue reading
That All Men May Know His Work
Grace and peace, Saints. Ever notice that the sun doesn’t shine through the clouds? Â The most it can do is shine around the edges of the cloud, if you know what I mean. Â But it can’t–or at least doesn’t– shine … Continue reading
Posted in Deity of Jesus Christ
Tagged Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Job 36:32, Matthew 8:27
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What Is A Testimony, and Why Do I Need One? Part 3
Grace and peace to the heirs of promise.  We continue with the reasons many Christians lack a testimony. WHY MANY CHRISTIANS DON’T HAVE A TESTIMONY 1. SIN This is the primary reason. The Bible says, “If I regard iniquity … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Great Commission, Spiritual Warfare, Testimony
Tagged Generational Curse, Pornography, Spiritual Warfare, Testimony
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Another Jesus, Another Spirit, Another Gospel
Grace and peace to my fellow strangers and pilgrims. A very strange thing happened to me this weekend while visiting my in-laws. This weekend, my family and I went to visit my wife’s cousin, a pastor, in a small Bavarian … Continue reading
Persecution and Soul Ties
Grace and peace, Saints. While writing this, the Spirit took over, meaning there is someone for whom the result is intended. Â If, therefore, I seem to have diverged somewhat, from the original sense, forgive me. I have returned from my … Continue reading
What Is A Testimony, And Why Do I Need One? Part 2
Grace and peace, Saints. Part 2 of our discussion on the Christian testimony deals with the types of testimony. Opinions may vary on the types of testimony, but, in my experience, there are essentially four: the conversion testimony, the testimony … Continue reading
What Is A Testimony, And Why Do I Need One? Part 1
Grace and peace, believers. Today we begin the first in a three-part discussion on the Christian testimony. For many twenty-first century Christians, their testimony is arguably the least considered, the least understood, the least used, and the least appreciated aspect … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Doctrine, Great Commission
Tagged conversion testimony, Spiritual Warfare, Testimony, Witnesssing
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“So What Did You Dream Last Night?”
Grace and peace to the children of promise and to all those who have bought the lie. Here at The Still Man, we always admonish parents to keep the lines of communication open with their children at all times. We … Continue reading
Feigning Themselves To Be Just Men
Grace and peace. So far, I have not made good on my promise to be a better blogger this year, but there is a reason for that: with the new year came a new edition to our family. So, as … Continue reading
Gospel Tracts: Preaching Without Preaching
Grace and peace, Saints. I hope you all had a blessed Christmas day. For the second year, the Spirit led me to distribute gospel tracts in my neighborhood on Christmas Eve, so I picked up where I left off last … Continue reading
It’s Christmas, So I’m Supposed To Be Happy…Right?
Grace and peace, Saints. Today is Christmas. Millions of children will be bounding down the stairs or running into the living room to see what Mom and Dad, oh…er…Santa Claus bought…oops…brought them for Christmas. Today the air will be filled … Continue reading
Lord, Pardon Thy Servant In This Thing
Grace and peace, saints. Yesterday, I picked my boy up from school, and, as usual, asked him how his day went and what he did. He told me that during art period, he was asked to draw a picture featuring … Continue reading
Trayvon Martin and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints. I have not followed the whole Trayvon Martin diversion very closely, because I understand that though it has major significance for the future of the world, there are more important things that deserve my attention: namely, … Continue reading
Cutting Off Their Own Noses
Grace and peace to the heirs of the promise, and greetings to those to whom has been bequeathed eternal destruction. Lately I have been seeing increasing hostility towards the Gospel message and the carriers of that message: the body of … Continue reading
“I Will Greatly Multiply Thy Sorrows”
Grace and peace saints. Â For years, the mental health field has sought to understand why women suffer more from psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder than men. Â An article entitled, “Why do Women Get Depressed More Than … Continue reading
The Importance of Fathers
Happy Fathers Day to all fathers–saved or not–and greetings to the rest of the world–saved or not. As I reflected on the meaning of Father’s Day, I realized that the twenty-first century has seen more American children grow up without … Continue reading
“Please, Just Say, ‘Thank you.'”
Grace and peace, believers. This has not been a good week for me spiritually. I allowed Satan to beguile me into succumbing to anger, and the result was that I spoke and behaved in a way that was very unbecoming … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Anger, Bipolar Disorder, Depression
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New Podcast
Grace and peace, Saints. We have completed the podcast on our teaching, Dwell With Them According To Knowledge. Though a part of our Christian Marriage series of broadcasts, this teaching is also a part of our Spiritual Warfare series.  As … Continue reading
Posted in Marriage, Podcasts, Spiritual Warfare
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Roman Catholicism, Children, and Fear
 Grace and peace, Saints. Children play an integral role in Satan’s plan to destroy Protestant Biblical Christianity and establish his satanic New World Order. In Nazi Germany, Hitler used children to spy on their parents and inform the government … Continue reading
Posted in Mind Control, Roman Catholicism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Fear, Mind Control, Roman Catholicism
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A Gorilla In A Suit
Grace and peace, Saints. A very strange thing happened to me the other day on the way back from taking my son to school. After dropping my boy off, I boarded the subway at the last car, and moving towards … Continue reading
Posted in Persecution
Tagged Islam, Muslim persecution of Christians, Personal Testimonies
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The Fifth Seal
Grace and peace, saints. We have taken all information on Christian persecutions and moved them to a new blog entitled The Fifth Seal. Â This blog will be dedicated solely to persecutions of Christians taking place worldwide. Â Christian persecution will become … Continue reading
Posted in Persecution
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Blessed Are Ye
Grace and peace, Saints. Yesterday, I was helping my son with his homework, when he suddenly became despondent and sullen. I asked him what happened to his cheery attitude and, after considerable effort trying to find the words to describe … Continue reading
Posted in Persecution
Tagged Christian Persecution, John 15:18, Luke 6:22-23, Personal Testimonies
“The facts contained in this book are vital to all Protestants. When read, pass the book on to your friends that they too may be informed and warned of Roman Catholic brutalities.” –Monica Farrell, author, Ravening Wolves. Grace and peace, Saints. … Continue reading
Is Jesus Christ God Almighty?
Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to the rest of the world. The divinity of Jesus Christ is arguably one of the most contested doctrines of the Christian faith–and for good reason. Â If one accepts that Jesus Christ is God, … Continue reading
“No Need To Hurry”
“Hurry is not of the devil, Hurry is the devil” -Carl Jung Grace and peace, saints. The lack of love that Paul speaks of in 2 Timothy 3 can be seen in the impatience that characterizes today’s technologically … Continue reading
The Good Lord Pardon Every One
Grace and peace to the children of promise, and greetings to the children of disobedience. The book of 2 Chronicles chapter 30, tells about the revival that took place in Israel after the installment of King Hezekiah. Â By this time, … Continue reading
“Some of the Better Manuscripts”
Grace and peace, Saints. Today I was reading from Marching Through Mark, a book by J. Vernon McGee, which is used as a textbook for one of my Bible classes. McGee was discussing Mark 11:25-26 in particular, which stresses the … Continue reading
Dwell With Them According To Knowledge
Grace and peace, Saints. Satan hates marriage. So, in that we, the Body of Christ, are the enemies of Satan, then we can look for him to do all that he can to destroy our marriages. To this end, Satan … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Feminism, Marriage
Tagged 1 Peter 3:7, Christian Marriage, Dwell with them according to knowledge, Feminism and Juanita Bynum, Feminism and Steve Harvey, Feminism and T.D. Jakes, Feminism and the Christian Church, Marriage, Marriage and spiritual warfare, Spiritual Warfare, That your prayers be not hindered
Withering on the Vine
Grace and peace, Saints. A young lady wrote me about three months ago and told me that the fruit of the Spirit had been lacking in her life. She said that her fruit is “like the leaves on that fig … Continue reading
The Power of Intercessory Prayer
Grace and peace, to the saints of God, and greetings to the children of disobedience. Prayer is very important in the life of a Christian; and it is, without a doubt, one of the greatest privileges given to those who … Continue reading
Posted in Generational Curse, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged 1 John 3:24, 1 John 5:16, 1 Kings 11:31-35, 1 Kings 21:29, 2 Peter 3:9, Can a generational curse skip a generation?, Intercessory prayer, James 5:16, Job 1:5, Job 42, Job 42:10, John 13:34, John 15:12, John 15:17, John 17:15, John 17:17, John 17:21, Luke 22:31-32, Luke 23:34, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 5:44-45
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An Unexpected Meeting With Ganesh
Grace and peace to the household of faith, and greetings to the unbelieving. I’m still in Germany visiting with my wife and children, and, thus far, it has been a very good visit. Â One thing that is for sure is … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Generational Curse, Hinduism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Ganesh, Nimrod, Personal Testimonies, The Elephant God
Grace and peace to the body of Christ, and greetings to the lost. Saints, the sand in the hourglass is almost spent, and the fullness of the Gentiles is almost fully come as we are nearing the culmination of time … Continue reading
What (Who) Do The Rapture And The “Curse of Ham” Have in Common?
Grace and peace, believers. I’m very sorry that I haven’t posted anything relevant in over a week. Every now and then, it seems that my head gets so full trying to process the incredible deception that is being perpetrated on … Continue reading
Let It Go
“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity†(1 Corinthians 13:13). Grace and peace to my brethren in the Lord, and greetings to the lost. Most of us are familiar with the story … Continue reading