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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Monthly Archives: December 2016
Are There Crypto-Catholics In Your Family?
Grace and peace to those who love Jesus sincerely, and greetings to the enemies of the cross of Christ. When I was a boy, living in a two-family flat on the west side of St. Louis, Missouri, my family used … Continue reading
Christmas Blues? Philippians 4:6
Grace and peace. This morning, my three-year-old daughter woke me up around 3:00 a.m. asking for milk. So, after getting her some milk, changing her diaper, and making sure she was all comfy, I laid back down and tried to … Continue reading
Missionary Organizations and the Counter Reformation
Grace and peace, saints A couple of days ago, I was checking out missionary organizations online, curious to see what mission fields are considered priority right now. One organization I checked out was SIM, an “international interdenominational mission†headquartered in … Continue reading
Beast Watch: Pope Francis Celebrates The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Grace and peace, saints. Today, Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, celebrated the Mass of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Vatican in Rome. Guadalupe is the Aztec title of the Virgin Mary and literally … Continue reading
What Are You Prepared To Lose?
Grace and peace, saints. Many of you may remember the movie, “The Untouchables,” starring Kevin Costner, Robert DeNiro, Sean Connery, and Anthony Garcia. Lightly based on historical characters and events, the movie centers on the activities of Treasury agent Elliot … Continue reading
Confess Your Sins! (Video)
Grace and peace, saints. A couple of weeks ago, I recorded a video on the way to a picturesque little ski town named Garmisch-Partenkirchen near the Austrian border. Occasionally, I will make the one and a half hour train ride … Continue reading
Posted in Christian
Beast Watch: Pope Francis Pays Homage To The Statue of the Immaculate Conception
Grace and peace, saints. Today I watched the live streaming of Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, paying homage to the statue of the Immaculate Conception in Rome. As usual, the pontiff was thronged by Roman faithful crying … Continue reading
I Was A Good Soldier
Grace and peace, Saints. The Waco tragedy has been on my subconscious since I saw the documentary, “Waco Rules of Engagement†earlier this year. It tears me apart when I think that American soldiers and law enforcement personnel were responsible … Continue reading
Posted in Gun Control, New World Order, Police state
Tagged ATF, Gun Control, Janet Reno, New World Order, Waco
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