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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Monthly Archives: June 2013
He Said/She Said – June 25, 2013
“It’s really quite tragic and quite poignant that someone who is this Italian-American who has portrayed his country in such an interesting way would die here (Italy). It’s quite ironic really.” –CNN correspondent, Barbie Nadeau, commenting on the death of … Continue reading
He Said/She Said – June 21, 2013
“The corporate accounting scandals of a decade ago have faded from public view, replaced by the financial crisis and insider-trader scandals.” –Mercury, 6/21/2013, in a story covering former Enron CEO, Jeffrey Skilling, whose 24-year prison sentence for fraud was … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, He Said/She Said
Tagged Enron, He Said/She Said, Jeffrey Skilling
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Perilous Times Shall Come – June 16, 2013
Saints, prepare to be offended. The marshall’s arrest was justified, “because no one in the court tried to stop him?!” Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Â
“I Will Greatly Multiply Thy Sorrows”
Grace and peace saints. Â For years, the mental health field has sought to understand why women suffer more from psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder than men. Â An article entitled, “Why do Women Get Depressed More Than … Continue reading
Stay Tuned
Grace and peace, Saints. I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything in about a week, but I have been busy working on a couple of articles that God laid on my heart, and they are taking a lot longer than I … Continue reading
The Importance of Fathers
Happy Fathers Day to all fathers–saved or not–and greetings to the rest of the world–saved or not. As I reflected on the meaning of Father’s Day, I realized that the twenty-first century has seen more American children grow up without … Continue reading