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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Monthly Archives: May 2013
He Said/She Said – May 29, 2013
“I come from a country…where we just don’t have gun violence like you do in America. Â We have 30 or 40 murders a year from guns. Â You have 12,500.” –Pierce Morgan, May 27, 2013, during an interview with Bob Costas … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Gun Control, He Said/She Said, New World Order
Tagged He Said/She Said
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He Said/She Said – May 25, 2013
“There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.” –British Prime Minister, David Cameron, on May 23, 2013, during a press conference following the brutal daylight slaying of British soldier, Lee Rigby, by two Muslims. “Muslims kill more … Continue reading
Two Marys
Grace and peace to the children of Light. A Roman Catholic devotee wrote me recently in regards to our article, The Virgin Mary: The Star of the Sea. She said that after reading the article, she was so distressed that … Continue reading
“Please, Just Say, ‘Thank you.'”
Grace and peace, believers. This has not been a good week for me spiritually. I allowed Satan to beguile me into succumbing to anger, and the result was that I spoke and behaved in a way that was very unbecoming … Continue reading
Posted in Roman Catholicism, Spiritual Warfare
Tagged Anger, Bipolar Disorder, Depression
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Deceitful Workers: Eddie Murphy
Grace and peace, Saints. A few weeks ago after a long session at the typewriter (OK, computer), I went into the living room, where my wife was watching Eddie Murphy, One Night Only, a tribute to Eddie Murphy, on television. … Continue reading