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Verse of the Day 3/26/2025
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — 1 John 1:9 (KJV)Subscribe!
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Monthly Archives: November 2012
Is Jesus Christ God Almighty?
Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to the rest of the world. The divinity of Jesus Christ is arguably one of the most contested doctrines of the Christian faith–and for good reason. Â If one accepts that Jesus Christ is God, … Continue reading
New Podcast
Grace and peace, Saints. We have completed the companion podcast to our post, Though One Rose From The Dead, which discusses the claims of Angelica Zambrano. Â Zambrano is a young Ecuadorian girl, who claims to have died and gone to … Continue reading
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He Said/She Said – November 8, 2012
“Everybody has a camera on their phone. Â And anything you do can be recorded. Â It could be something completely innocent, but it could look like you’re doing this or that.” –Blake Griffin, in an interview with USA Today’s Jefferson Graham, … Continue reading
Obama vs. Romney: Whom Do We Choose?
Grace and peace, saints, and greetings to all who know not the Lord Jesus. Today is the day. Â Today we elect the man who we want to run our country for the next four years. Â For many it will be … Continue reading